Bulking Stack


New Member
Hey guys. I'm bulking blah blah blah - here's what i've got so far. Help me out!
-AST's DGC (Dextrose glucose crystals)
current considerations:
CLA (6-10 grams per day)
These worth it? I want the cla to limit fat increase and zma to keep my test levels maximal even though im just 18...
missing anything?
ZMA is pretty much useless.

And instead of those dextrose glucose things, just pick up some "Corn sugar" (dextrose) from the local supermarket. If you want glucose, eat some candy; it'll taste better.

CLA can help to keep fat off, but it can be expensive.

Make sure you get lots of good solid food too. And don't go crazy on the bulk. I have done that and it was just more fat to lose at the end, no more muscle at all.
The CLA seems pretty cheap actually, no? 180 1 gram servings for 17 bucks? That's reasonable....
Also, what makes ZMA "pretty much useless"? I've read a whole bunch of studies supporting it. If athletes are so low on these 2 vitamins - why should I think that I'm just fine?
And on the DGC thing....I honestly just bought it cus im a mess and if i buy stuff in bags it allways ends up left open and/or spilled. I dished out the extra 6 bucks or so for the container - sad but true...I made up for it bye revising my shopping list and getting hs:cre instead of swole v2 - glad i did.


Other suggestions? Lets hear em.
Well CLA is expensive comapred to fish oil, I get 200 1g caps for like 4 bucks :)
As for ZMA, I've never met anyone who has had good results from taking it and at 18, your body should be producing all the T it can anyways.

And about DGC, well now you've got a container for your stuff ;)
how far do you want to go? If you just want supps for bulking and dont wanna try prohormones...then so:

forget the zma...if you want something to push your test lvls a bit (no phs) then try tribulus, it wont do that much but you will recognise something...but actually I guess if you dont want to use phs forget the rest...yes being low on zinc and magnesium's bad but if you use a good multi-vit youre fine...and if you overdose zinc it will have dangerous side effects...besides that why would you spend money on something which maybe helps your testlvls but in so insignifficant ways that you wont feel anything at all?

forget cla, to expensive...fish oil's fine I think...cla from nowfood's 18 $, same amount of fish oil is 6 $..but if you can afford it, use it...

I use the driver...but I actually dont use the primer (dont hit me) comparing to other quality products its to expensive for me...I usually buy 100 % whey from optimum which is just 10 $ 2.2lbs and Im fine with it...but if you can afford it use it

what I use as well always(besides prohormones, anti-e's and tribulus) is glutamine and vanadyl sulfate - many people say its not worth it but I feel definitly a great pump what gives me a good feeling
hmm I dont want to recommend anything that can have nasty side effect...but since you wont grow anymore with 18 I think it should be ok...18 is also the limit that all the manufacturer recommend...