
New Member
What time should pass between my last meal and bedtime? I guess, I could drink(eat) pure protein before sleep without worry, but carbohydrates need "burning time" if I dont want to get fat? What about fats at evening hours?
Please, forgive me , again , my English is awfull!
You should not eat something difficult to digest a couple of hours before bed time. Personally I don't have a problem sleeping well unless I eat scads of food. But then I don't have a problem sleeping under any conditions

Let's assume that two guys get 2000 kcals / day. One guy takes all of them from 8 am to 4 pm, and the other one from 4 pm to 12 pm. The second one will store some fat during his sleep because he can't burn all the calories he ingested. But next day, when the morning-eater is burning the calories he's eating, what will the night-eater be burning ? You guessed it. The fat he stored las night.

So, this is just an old myth. Total calories is the only thing that matters. I have personally verified this: I came down to 8.5% by eating over 50% of my calories after 7-8 pm.