Creatine and weight loss/cutting

Bobby Baccala

New Member
I've gotten advice from some people to stop using creatine if I am trying to lose weight and get some definition. From what I've heard, creatine is a waste if you are cutting calories and most fat loss supplements have a diuretic effect which will lessen the effect of creatine.

Should I skip the creatine for now and wait until I want to bulk up again to use it?
If you are trying to lose WEIGHT, drop the creatine.

If you are trying to lose FAT, keep the creatine.

Removing the creatine will cause a slight loss of size, weight, and performance in your muscles. This will dampen your workouts, though, and reduce the calorie burn. This might be the way to go if weight is your target -- say, if you're trying to compete under a certain weight class, or if you're trying to win that bet about who can lose more weight in a month.

Their advice might come from the fact that free creatine can, because of it's water-loving properties, cause fat to look marignally puffier. This is why bodybuilders cut the creatine a few days before a show; the creatine is still loaded in their muscle cells, but they don't want free creatine floating around elsewhere. . . For them, that little bit of extra veininess really, really matters.

But that has nothing to do with what works for actual fat loss.