Creatine Daily


New Member
OK I have another creatine question. What would be the difference between taking creatine daily Vs. taking it only on workout days? Kind of a broad question, but any pros and/or cons about either or both. Thanks,

i'd just take 3-5 grams daily. once your saturated, however, you could probably get away with with taking 5+ grams every other day, but there'd be no real benefit to it.
I take 3.5 mg of creatine every morning with my vitamins. There have also been some studies done recently that indicate that loading may be of no significant benefit. Consistency usually wins the results race with most supplements.
From what I've read, the creatine used to fuel a workout is not that which you have taken that day. That is why loading is popular...because your body taps a reserve and it takes a while to build up enough of a reserve to actually help. You don't need to load, as Old & Grey touched upon, recent research shows that the body can only process and store a certain amount of creatine in a day, loading with excessive amounts just gets lost in the urine. But in any case, my point is - you can't just take creatine before a workout to fuel that workout. But if you are already taking creatine and want to cut your maintenance intake back to every other day (and these days happen to coincide with your workout days) then that would probably be ok. Keep in mind that 3-5 grams a day is widely accepted as the minimum effective maintenance amount, so you may want to consider upping your dose a bit if you are only going to do it every other day.
