creatine ethyl ester?


New Member
uhm... I just read a few articles about CEE and basically it helps quickly absorb the creatine into the body instead of having it being pee'd out as creatinine. Is this going to be the next big thing? There have been claims saying that absorbtion is greatly increased when the dosage is only 2.5g compared to the 5gram.

Also should their be a worry about high levels creatinine? Or is the risk basically the same as creatine monohydrate? almost null.

any information on CEE would be nice . thanks guys :)
uhm. I haven't had the time to really read the reports and all on it, but from here i think they belieive it is quite real. this is the actually debate about it.
the certificates and junk are right before the start of the debate. I'm not sure if this qualifies their statements, but maybe worth a look? I'll post back if i can find anything else. thanks for the replies guys
That link is funny as %$T^

the entire thing is spent saying that CEE is real... it doesnt matter if its real, or even if its the queen of sherba, what matters if it offers any real advantage to somethin waaay cheaper!

The FAQ they have linked off it is a classic example of baffling people with bullshit... and just add in a few references to make it look real.

All of the references in the FAQ are to do with creatine monohydrate. When he starts claiming stuff on CEE, the well runs dry for research. Claims are easy, backing them up is a different story.

Another thing from their FDA stuff that makes little sense, but I just brushed over it quickly. In order to get within the cell quicker, they say it has to be the ethyl ester, but they are also claiming that the ester is broken during digestion and the product enters the system as ethanol and creatine... Im too tired and ketotic to care, but this makes little sense to me, considering the claimed increase skeletal muscle uptake because of the ethyl ester.
haha, awesome. :D guess the idea of creatine ethyl ester is out my window. Thanks for dispelling that idea. I'll stick with my monohydrate.