Creatine question


New Member
I wa just checking some stuff on the net and came across quite a few people who say that there's no point using creatine until you reach a plateau (which you wouldn't on HST anyway).

I know some of you guys use it so -

1: Is is worth taking as on the first HST cycle (start of 15s)?
2: Do would you get more gains than if just using weights alone (say in the first month)?
3: I'm using whey protein at the moment. If I started taking creatine now (starting 10s at the moment), would I see more growth than if just using the protein alone (related to question 2)?
4: What do you guys think of Phospagen (I think thats what its called - £25($37) per kilo-ish)?

Thanks. I just want to make sure that I'll see the results (although nothing is ever guaranteed).

Is it WORTH taking though? I know I could probably get the results from just doind what I'm doing but I'd really like to get there faster if you know hwat I mean! ;)

But what I'm saying is, will it speed up my progress significantly more than what I'm doing now?? :confused:
What's it worth? Very personal.

However, there is a generally accepted basic value package for growth:

1. Exercise.
2. Food.
3. Sleep.
4. Supplemental protein powders.
5. Creatine.

Some may disagree about the order for 1/2/3, and for 4/5, but the top five are pretty solid. When you hit 6, though, the opinions are all over the place. In fact, their relative value is probably highly subjective, depending on your strengths/weaknesses.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]But what I'm saying is, will it speed up my progress significantly more than what I'm doing now??

No matter what anyone will tell you, you will listen & read so many things about creatine that you will eventually try it yourself (perhaps in a difficult moment in your life :D ). So, why don't you try it now and get some...

0. Experience

laugh.gif I went and bought some. Like you said mimic, gonna have to try it myself.

Got the Prolab one (GNC didn't have anything else on the self other than that Phosphagen HP stuff).

20g load for 5 days then 5g maintenance. Oh well, hope it does some good.
Thanks for the links Mikeh.
Seeing as I've already bought a batch, I might as well finish it. Hopefully I will see some improvement in performance above my current progress.
I recently stopped in the middle of my 10s because of some issues for 2 weeks. I restarted my 10s on Tuesday but I've already seen about .5 inch increase in all my measuements. I thinks thats pretty good without supplements. :)