Creatine . replacement suggestions .


New Member
my regards to all here at these HSN boards .

just a quick request for a bit of advice .

i've been patiently waiting for the past month or more to

see if HSN would restock it's creatine .

unfortunately it seems it's still unavailable so,

i would like to ask all here if anyone might be able

to recommend another suitable brand of creatine

to use .

i've used EAS before . but that was years ago .

im unsure of whats out now .

please lend some advice

thanks in advance

aerosyn-lex . PRAE
I too have been looking around for other quality creatine products. One source of information I found was "The Creatine Report" by Will Brink. You can download it free from, all you need is a valid e-mail address. It seemed to me like it was pretty well referenced, and Will Brink is featured on ThinkMuscle, so you can probably trust what you read in it. Not all of it is relevant towards bodybuilding (he talks a lot about how creatine is beneficial for the elderly and how it can help with certain injuries/diseases). But he does recommend Creapure creatine. Creapure is not a brand, though, they just supply creatine to companies who bottle it and sell it. Companies that use Creapure include, but are not limited to, Life Extension (what Will uses), Ultimate Nutrition, Prolab, ISS Research, Kaizen, and Reflex. I've looked into Ultimate Nutrition, Prolab, and ISS Research creatine. It's all about the same price, ~$22-$25 for 1000 grams. In other words, it's pretty much an unbeatable deal. Personally, I'm leaning towards Prolab. I've seen a number of reviews for it, and not one has been bad. You can find it here (better deal) or here. I haven't actually used the stuff, though, so maybe someone else on the forum could provide some feedback on it.

Note: I just realized that I'm not sure if Prolab's creatine is micronized. Ultimate Nutrition's is, though, you can find it here.

my sincere thanks for that informative reply .

i'm reading over the info and should be well on my way

to purchasing the right quality creatine .

again . my thanks and regards

aerosyn-lex m.

Optimum Nutrition sells a 2000 gram tub ofmonohydrate for around 35 bucks. I've used it, good stuff.
A bit of an update...

I began to wonder if Ultimate Nutritions's Crea Pure really does use Creapure brand creatine. Nowhere on their website does it say this, and after looking around extensively, I found no reputable sources (small, less well-known online stores do not count as reputable) stating that Ultimate Nutrition does indeed use Creapure creatine. This led me to believe that they do not and that the name "Crea Pure" is only a play on words intended to make you think that they use the real Creapure. I sent them an e-mail and they told me that their "Creapure is indeed made by Degussa in Germany. If you look at the left panel of the label towards the bottom, you will see the trademark information for SKW Trostberg AG, the company who merged with Degussa." Still, I think it's a little weird that they never state this clearly on their website.

Also, you can't see the Creapure logo on any pictures of their creatine, whereas if you look at a bottle of Prolab or Optimum Nutrition creatine, you can definitely see the Creapure logo.

Creapure Logo

Prolab - It's kind of hard to see, but it's there, in the upper right hand corner.

Optimum Nutrition - It's in the lower right hand corner.

Ultimate Nutrition - The Creapure logo doesn't seem to be there.

My vote now goes to Optimum Nutrition. You can get 2000g of it from: - $33.50

DPS Nutrition (currently out of stock) - $34.90 - $35.90

1fast400 - $38.99

You can find it pretty cheap at smaller stores, but I found that once you factor in shipping charges, it's not actually cheaper.
Optimum Nutrition's is also micronized Creapure creatine monohydrate. It doesn't say on the label that it is micronized, but I asked them if it is and they told me yes. I don't understand why they wouldn't want to advertise that on the product label, but that's their choice, not mine.

Plus, it's cheaper (if you buy it in bulk and from the right place) than allthewhey's
[b said:
Quote[/b] (savagebeast @ April 19 2005,11:53)]Optimum Nutrition's is also micronized Creapure creatine monohydrate.  It doesn't say on the label that it is micronized, but I asked them if it is and they told me yes.  I don't understand why they wouldn't want to advertise that on the product label, but that's their choice, not mine.  
Plus, it's cheaper (if you buy it in bulk and from the right place) than allthewhey's  
ON is the brand I've used for a while now for monohydrate. I would use Bryans, but it comes in such a small serving. I like bulk buying. Back to ON though, it's cheap and never had a single stomach issue while on it.

Mind you, I drink super hot sauce from the bottle sometimes, so my stomach might be able to handle more than others.