Creatine supplementation


New Member
Question 1)

Lets say I want to get the best response from creatine at the best time of my program cycle. I read that cells don't absorb anymore creatine after they are fully loaded which may take about a week of a creatine loading cycle. Then I read somewhere on this site that once loaded, the cells lose something like .03 or .003 grams of creatine per day. My question is, if I supplement with creatine during the time the cells are losing this little amount of creatine everyday, will the cells absorb the new creatine so that they can be filled to the max with creatine at all times? I read the articles on this site but I don't think they answered this question.

Question 2)

If I want to get the greatest creatine benefits during my program cycle, when should I begin loading during my 15s,10s,5s? Would reaching maximum cell capacitiy right as I entered my 10s be the most beneficial? I am asking because I don't think cells filled with creatine during the 15s are going to do much as far as hypertrophy.
1. This should have been posted in the Supplement Section

2. It doesn't really matter. Cycling Creatine is not needed, so load at the most convenient time for you and then maintain the supplementation. It's going to do it's job either way. Actually Creatine does help in the 15's due to the Phosphagen System.