CREATINE . Tablet Intake Vs. Liquid Mix


New Member
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a salute and greeting to all here in these HST forums .

i am interested in supplementing my weight training with

a creatine-monohydrate . i've been to some of the suggested

retailers other than HST . as recommended by some forum members .

and i need a bit of advice as which METHOD OF INTAKE . would be

most beneficial for my use ?

i've had experience with an EAS grapemix Creatine (some years ago)

and i wasn't extatic about the taste . would tablet form be a viable option

for taking in creatine ?

or do i need to stick with the micronized mix ?


many thanks in advance

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hello again .

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i was hoping to prompt someone to lend a bit of advice .

but am i misunderstanding something ?

what i read on BULKNUTRITION's creatine list

was that CREATINE comes in tablet form .

has anyone used this ?

would anyone recommend this over the traditional micronized mix?

thanks in advance

lex . PRAE
I've never heard of creatine coming in tablet form, but if you're worried about taste there are other options. I use HSN creatine and it has NO flavor. Honestly, none at all. Just mix it in with something - water, milk, pre/post-workout shake, etc. - and you're good to go. It won't change the flavor at all.
thanks for that advice . seems like i'll have to wait for HSN creatine to get back in stock . . . .

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