creatine while dieting?


New Member
Hi, I just bought some HS:Cre, the first creatine that I ever bought, and I'm thinking that I might use it during my next HST cycle. The only thing is that I will be cutting. BTW, I'm 16.

I don't really know what to expect from creatine especially while cutting (though I have read the faq and have a general idea). Is it probably best for me to wait until I start bulking again to start creatine or should I just go ahead and start next cycle?

I heard creatine sometimes causes you to kind of blow up a bit because of water retention or something. Does that go away after a while? Or do you have to stop taking it for it to go away?

Thanks for all the help,

Dear sean,

Congratulations on your purchase of HS:CRE. You have undoubtedly a cannister of the finest creatine money can buy.

At your age, you still are growing and your cutting cycle must be well-planned for any nutrient deficiency might compromise your otherwise optimal growth.

You wish to drop bodyfat? You can improve your body compostion by dropping bodyfat and/or increasing muscle mass. Why not do both? To get an idea of how this can be done, take a read here:

It is true that creatine can cause some water retention, but it is in no way to the point where you appear water-logged. Some people experience a slight puffiness in their face but many others do not experience any such water-retention at all. You'd have to try it for yourself.

Even during cutting,you would be undertaking HST. Supplementation with creatine is perfect for this. Creatine helps builds muscle and this, in an indirect way, helps burn fat. Creatine also boosts your workout performance, amongst other things, and all these are good for your quest to leaner, more muscular health.

In short, creatine is taken as a muscle-builder and performance enhancer. It is in no way contraindicative to fat-loss. Au contraire, because of its positive effects on body-composition, it can be very valuable towards fat-loss indeed.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (sean @ Feb. 06 2003,10:47)]I heard creatine sometimes causes you to kind of blow up a bit because of water retention or something. Does that go away after a while? Or do you have to stop taking it for it to go away?
You can refer to Dianobol's answer for most of your question.

As far as the slight possible effect of creatine water retention, here's my understanding:

Creatine is stored in the muscle. When you first take it orally (from food or supplements), it will be distributed in small amounts everywhere. It will be absorbed and retained by muscles; it will float around free elsewhere and then go away. Since creatine it attracts water, it can have an (extremely small) bloating effect wherever it's floating free; this effect is especially noticeable in fat. But a few days after you stop taking creatine, the effect is gone. And it's so minor in the first place that many people don't notice it at all.

The effect is directly relative to the quantity you're taking per dose. If you have any concern, do not go through a "loading" phase. "Loading" gets your muscle up to saturation more quickly by having you consume more creatine. There is no need to load if you are not in a hurry; if you simply start with a maintenance dose of creatine, your muscles will still be saturated in a month.
Thanks guys. I guess I'll be using creatine in just a couple of weeks then (I want to see how I do without it first so I can compare). I have one other question. It's not important or anything but I just found something on the HS: Cre container that struck me as rather odd. In fine print, it says "No reproduction without the express written consent of Minor League Baseball. Ninjas are mammals." Why is this written on this product? I really don't get it.
You know, I didn't believe you. So I checked. And laughed.

And then checked my Primer and Driver.

And laughed again.

yeah, I thought no one would believe me. But, I had to post it. :) I really want to hear Bryan's comments on this. I wonder if even he knows about it.