


I just bought some creatine. They recommend cutting out caffeine because it has the opposite effect as the creatine (it is a diuretic). For those of you that are experienced with using creatine, how bad do you think caffein really is? I would hate to give up coffee.

Also, they recommend taking 5 x 5g when loading, each portion at a different time of day. Would it be all right to take all 25g at once in the morning on an empty stomach?


The problem with that, so far as I've been able to piece together, is that the body has a limited number of creatine receptors on the muscles. This means that there is a limit to the amount of creatine that can be taken in over any interval of time. Any leftover creatine will not be used. So, to meet the goal of saturating your muscles with creatine, it should be available throughout the day so that the creatine receptors are continuously bringing it into the muscles.

This is what I've gathered on how creatine works; please correct me if I'm off base.
