

New Member

I will be starting a cutting cycle in 2 days and was wondering if creatine would be a total waste. The whole concept behind creatine is so more water remains in the muscle for quicker repair right? However if I wanna look more cut, will it also make me look, for the lack of a better word, fattier? I plan on doing an am/pm workout, so if the creatine does it's job correctly I should heal possibly a little quicker right?

I just don't want to be wasting my money and time taking the stuff if you guys think I don't need to.

Well, there are too many things that creatine does in your body to list here, but just know that is used for different reasons that the one you suggested....:)
But you most def could and should continue with creatine supplementation while cutting as it helps to preserve muscle tissue and keep workout energy up while calories are low.