Customizing a Protein Shake


since the supplement forum isn't really popping, thought i'd repost here :

Posted: Nov. 22 2004,8:56

i gotta start off by saying i feel guilty, asking for hlep buying protein elsewhere. i smipley can't afford HSN.

however, i came here 'cause this is the only place i trust.

my #1 priority is that it be a bang for the buck. second is that it lasts for as long a time as possible, i don't know when my next trip to the U.S is gonna be.

i got 35 bucks, let's do it !


Site #1

Protein Powders:
Calcium Caseinate:(£11.95kg)
Egg Albumin Powder:(£15.95kg)
Milk Protein Concentrate:(£9.95kg)
Soy Protein Isolate:(£13.95kg)
Whey Protein Concentrate 75£9.50kg)
Whey Protein Concentrate 80£9.95kg)
Whey Protein Isolate:(£16.95kg)


Essential Fatty Acids:
Flax Seed Powder:(£24.95kg)

Sports Supplements:
Guarana Extract:(£24.95kg)
L Glutamine:(£23.45kg)

Site #2 ($ per 100g)

Proteins :
Aussie Caseinate 5.99
CFM Whey Isolate 8.85
Egg White Protein 9.50
Hydrolyzed 1400 9.99
Hydrolyzed 520 9.99
Hydrolyzed 360 15.89
Ion Exchange Whey Isolate 9.34
Micellar Casein 10.79
Iso-Chill Whey Isolate 6.50
Milk Protein Isolate 5.99
Soy Protein Isolate 4.44
Soy XT 5.16
Super Bovine Serum 39.99
Whey Protein Concentrate 4.25
Whole Organic Egg 11.25

Carbohydrates & Fats :
Yolk Powder 4.39
Dextrose 2.49
Flax Powder 2.49
Fructose 2.49
Maltodextrin 2.49
MCT Powder (60%) 14.99

Supplements :
CLA Powder 65.00
SKW Creatine 15.89
Pfansteil Creatine 15.89
Glutamine Peptides 39.99
L-Glutamine 29.99
Theta Amino's 27.99


there you have it !

opinions ?

thanks very much in advance !
I'm using:
1) EAS Phosphagen HP - creatine - one scoop a day and one scoop 30 minutes before workout.
2) OmniNutrition OnWhey - whey protein - couple shakes a day with 2 scoops. Additionally, on workout days I drink one shake 1/2 hour before workout and one right after I'm done.
3) L-Glutamine - Vitamin shoppe brand. I take 3 grams before I go to bed and 3 grams when I wake. On workout days I take 3 grams before I workout.
The Whey protein and Glutamine are the must haves. I added the creatine, since I'm trying to bulk a little quicker. I've gained 15-1/2 pounds through the 15s & 10s cycle. That's putting on the pounds and bulk fast enough...should be for most.
My interest is getting big enough so I can start cutting/slicing for lean and strong within the next couple months.

I do eat a lot cottage cheese - casein protein
Also, I eat at least one good portion meat meal daily.
i didn't explain myself well enough.
these sites are protein-cutomizers. which means, i choose the ingredients of my powder, and they put it together.
thus the title.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]

Tom Treutlein


Maybe you could explain your remark. I'm getting good results with the combination I mentioned. If you've got better information...well spit it out. You ain't gonna hurt my feelings. I'd just as soon not buy it and spend my money on other things. :D
anyone ?!
i need the info fast so i can get my order together.
handling of this kinda order can take time + shipping ..

ok here's what i was thinking :
i want a fast obsorbing protein for pre workout, and slow for post. so i'll get a fast obsorbing powder. pre i'll mix with water and post workout, i'll use milk or something else to slower it's obsorption. am i on point here ?

advice ?
whoa, why so complicated.

dude, check this shake out. Its the SH*T:
2scoop protien, 1/2cup oat bran, 1/2cup blueberries, 2tblespn cinniman, 2tblspn flax or fish oil, and lastly 10oz 1% or SKIM milk.

I've been eating this for years. You can even add bannanas or cottage cheese if you want. Basically, anything tastes good in it. Try it....
How much protein do you consume in your regular meals already .
Eggs, cottage cheese, peanut butter are good sources for protein.
Added Calories is what you need to add weight .
Glutamine is pretty much worthless...and probably not actually doing anything overall (just because you are getting results, does not mean the glutamine is causing the results)
ya i know, that's the 1st site.

out of those two lists, what are the ingredients of a middle-ground between price and the most fast-obsorbing protein powder ?

i figure i could always slow it down with milk or oats
unless the info i read is misleading.
Eat an extra piece of skinless white chicken each day. Tastes better and zero carbs with as much protein as a shake.