Dermabolics S1+


New Member
I'm in my first week of 10s, and thinking about adding Dermabolics S1+ during the second week and 1st of the 5s.

Has anyone here tried this product? Results?

I haven't personally used it, but I was thinking about it for a time. Based on what I've seen, this is one of the best and safest stacks in the world of prohormones.
I tried the old version and had good results but it was my first ph cycle so this experience may not count that much

(during 8 weeks i went up from 150 pounds to 170 pounds and even dropped from 15 % bodyfat to 11)

the new version from dermabolics seems to have a great ratio...even though a homebrew is much cheaper (if you can/want invest some time you can get easily the ingredients you need and a reciepe)

i dont have any experience with oral phs...but I have gotten good feedbacks about 1ad and methyl 1test

if you want to get s1+ you should do it soon before the ban is out
Thanks for the replies!

Nemesis, how did you cycle the old version?

I'm thinking 2 weeks on / 4 off with 6-OXO while off, but I'm not sure how I'll respond for only 2 weeks of S1+. I guess I'll know if I need to extend it... I purchased 2 bottles so I may try 2+ short cycles.

the old version is 8 oz, the new one 4oz... I finished the old a little bit before my cycle should end...I increased dosage from 2x6 pumps at the beginning to 2x10 pumps in the end...

but the ratio of the new one is much betther, higher in 1test its like 1:1.5 1test:4ad, the old one is like 1:3.5 so youll probably get betther results with less

i did a 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on, 4 weeks off cycle and was fine, I acutally didnt even loose a single gram after finishing the cycle

since 6oxo is a anti-aromatase you would (if you want) take it during a cycle...but I think its not worth it and to cycle you want to get a anti-estrogen that blocks the production at the receptor such as nolvadex that is very cheap...
Thanks! I appreciate your help.

Have you ever tried Post-Cycle from PF? Would that be enough?

Thanks again!
