e/c less effective with higher carbs?

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"Keep carbs relatively low while using ephedrine. Insulin counter acts the effects of ephedrine and will ultimately hinder fat loss if carbs remain too high. This does not mean you must go on a ketogenic diet. If total calories are low enough carbs become less of an issue. But if you are trying to keep muscle by lowering calories only slightly, the carbs will sabotage ephedrine’s action."

This is a quote from the FAQ. I have a couple ?s. 1) How much will the difference be at say 100 grams of carbs vs 200 per day? Will it make a large difference in e/c's effectiveness?
2) I normally stop taking it around 4 p.m. so it's easier for me to fall asleep. What if I ate most of my carbs after 7 o'clock when most of the e/c was out of my system? Would it still hurt or will it not matter since the e/c will mostly be gone?
Hi ejones,

I would not be too concerned over how much of an effect 100g or 200g of carbs will have on EC's ability to induce a thermogenic state.    

In fact the extra calories (if not burned) will be stored, as fat and that will sabotage weight loss attempts before you would notice insulin reducing the thermongenic properties of EC.  EC will increases the release of noradrenalin and that begins the cycle of cAMP, which in the absence of prostaglandins, adenosine and phosphodiesterase, seems to cause weight loss.  Beta-3 receptors are stimulated by noradrenalin, which is released when you take non-selective sympathomimetic drugs like ephedrine.  

I've read somewhere that insulin does cause a significant increase in prostaglandins, adenosine and phosphodiesterase, and may have a negative effect over cAMP but caffeine should help to cancel out these effects (that is one huge reason why you need to take caffeine with Ephedrine.)

I think the daily extra calories (based on what you’re not burning) are more important of an issue to weight loss than the extra carbs are to reducing EC's ability to stimulate CAMP.
Taking most of your carbs after 7pm is a bad idea, unless you wake up and have breakfast at 7pm.  Earlier in the day, your body will burn carbs and most likely you’re more active earlier in the day when you need the carbs the most.  Most people would choose to eat LESS carbs closer to bedtime.  

I eat my meals 1/2 hour after I take the EC.  Since it may be preferable for you to eat your carbs with your main meals anyhow, then why wait until after 7pm.  Also, you may not want to spike your insulin levels all at once, so it’s better to eat evenly throughout the day; or unless your on a TKD like diet.

Thanks for the reply. It had been a while from the time I posted until a reply, and in the meantime I haven't been worrying too much about staying low on carbs. Results have still been good so I agree that it doesn't appear to be that big of a deal.