ec stack affect cortisol?

Cortisol is needed

but very few drugs actually do anything that can reduce it. Its more likely the ECA will raise it slightly (altho i havent looked into it)
1. Does anyone know if ec affects cortisol in a good way?

As Aaron had said, taking EC will increase cortisol. By how much, this depends on the individual. EC should really be used as a remedy for adrenal defect. This is why it works better in some than others - greater fat-loss effects arise from a greater adrenal defect being corrected and vice versa.

I dare say that for the individual without an adrenal defect, taking EC is akin to a pharmacologically-induced state of Fight or Flight, and the FOF state is associated with significant cortisol secretion. Amongst other things, cortisol encourages storage of fat at the abdominal region - this is no good. Taking carbs can moderate cortisol secretion. Stress-management techniques can also ameliorate the cortisol situation. Several deep-tissue massages a week will greatly help in stress-relieve. Not taking EC when one is adrenally non-defective will help too.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)
So the more you are losing fat, the more likely you have an adrenal defect.

What about the appetite supressing effects? In other words, is an appetite that is significantly reduced a sign of an adrenal defect being corrected?
Dear Andy741,

Replying in specific:

1. So the more you are losing fat, the more likely you have an adrenal defect.

>>>> All else being equal, yes. EC works like magic for some, and this is due to correction of their adrenal defect. For others, they can get a buzz, but their fat-loss is less than dramatic. For these, their level of cathecholamines are already normal, so there is little, if any, defect to be corrected.

2. What about the appetite supressing effects? In other words, is an appetite that is significantly reduced a sign of an adrenal defect being corrected?

>>> No, an appetite that is significantly reduced has nothing to do with adrenal defect being corrected. The appetite-depressing effect is independent of the fat-burning effect. After 3-4 weeks of usage, appetite returns to normal while fat-burning rockets on. For a person without an adrenal defect, appetite will still be curtailed during the initial weeks of EC ingestion. Read more about EC at Nice diagrams there too ;)

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)