ECA stacks


New Member
I'm in my cutting phase and just want to know what the risks and benefits are for these and if its worth the money. Trying to get rid of the dang stubborn gut fat, the diet can only take me so far and on top of that my appetite is gigantic. I have no history of high blood pressure or heart complications, and regular ephedra/metabolife type stuff haven't caused any problems as of yet though I stopped taking them because I"m not sure they're as effective.

Also I'm of course trying to minimize muscle loss at the same time. What to do?

The lypoderm-y is on it's way, I'm hoping that helps but I read several people's feedback on it and most of the successful people seemed to be using an ECA stack in conjunction with that.
Ephedra is brutaly effective on me, I'm could almost swear I would lose fat on it whatever I eat. Unfortunately it has giving me some prostate/urinary problems that some say might be of permanent nature. I'm using this last bottle to taper it off and I'll use it no more. If you do use it stay tuned to any signs of urinary problems/prostate swelling that might occur and if they do happen I strongly suggest you discontinue it's use as soon as possible.
Guess you have to be a genetic winner to use it w/o problems. So far ephedra itself hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. I went ahead and ordered the eca stacks I'm gonna give it a try.