EC's nutrient partitioning effect...


New Member
How significant is EC's nutrient partitioning effect when bulking? From some other posts I get the idea that Bryan thinks it is significant, but I'm not sure.
Dear Andy741,

EC is a remedy for adrenal defect. If you do not have any such defect, taking it would largely be pointless.

Stimulation of the B2 receptors has some muscle-sparing effect apparently, and this is useful in hypocaloric situations.

As for nutrient partitioning, EC does not have any direct way of partitioning nutrients towards muscle. What it would do is this: if you have an adrenal defect, this would mean that you would accumulate much more fat when bulking simply because your body is burning anything but fat for fuel. Taking EC to correct this, more fat would be utilized as fuel thus resulting in less accumulation of fat.

EC works at the subtracting end of the fat equation, and not at the addition. In terms of nutrient partitioning, it does little in any direct way.

E has an appetite dampening effect in the first 3-4 weeks, and this can hinder the eating of large meals.

A better nutrient partitioning agent would be CLA. This is something useful especially when bulking.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)
I have a good amount of fat to lose before I 'intentionally' start bulking. I have noticed ec to be working well so far for me. Is there a way to check if you have an adrenal defect besides basing it on fatloss from ec?
I am sure you can go for a blood test to check circulating catecholamines.

This is abit of a longshot but it is my opinion that if your bodytype is largely of the endomorphic type, you will suffer to a greater extent, some adrenal defect.

Usually, the symptoms of being adrenally defective include: ease of weight gain even though you eat the same or less than your skinny friends who can eat all they want and not get fat, an almost magical response to EC in terms of fat-loss, and even, postural hypotension in some cases.

I do know that some people get postural hypotension after taking EC...

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)