Effervescent vs powder creatine


New Member
I've only used effervescent creatine. I began with it because it was touted as a better delivery system, the premixed packets simplified things, it all disolves and it doesn't upset your stomach as I heard powders can do. The directions are to take it on a virtually empty stomach which can be quite inconvenient...the only time my stomach is empty is first thing in the morning. Also, you're supposed to wait atleast 30 mins after taking it before eating anything. This is sometimes hard to accomodate. Does powder have the same restrictions? I just ordered some HS:CRE and plan to give it a go...I see no directions here though. Comments Please.

Dont worry when you take it, dont worry what you take it with, dont worry about loading, dont worry about pretty bubbles.

All you need to do is take it. And once you get the muscles saturated, all the fancy parts in the world make one lick of difference.

I find it most suitable for me to take it prior to training, because that way I will actually remember to take it. I carry a serving in a plastic film canister.