

New Member
I'm a little to ignorant of the different types of ephedra for my liking and was hoping you could help me out. There is so many different types and I was wondering if they all have different potencies, and their different effects etc. Here are some short descriptions I was able to find from an old article Bryan wrote:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
Norephedrine – Isomer of ephedrine. It is a mirror copy of the ephedrine molecule and occurs naturally in all ephedra-based products. It is less effective than ephedrine as a sympathomimetic.

MaHuang – This is another name for ephedra. It is the whole herb containing many ephedra alkoloids including ephedrine, norephedrine (phenyproponalanine), psuedoephedrine, etc.

Synephrine – This is a molecule similar to yohimbine in it mechanism of action. It will increase sympathetic activity but it does so more as an alpha-2 antagonist rather than a beta-2 agonist.
This is the link to where I found it.

But that still leaves me with a few questions.
1.Psuedoephedrine, what is the potency of it, does it bind more as a alpha-2 antagonist such as synephrine or is it more like ephidrine? Any other info about it would be greatly appreciated, and is psuedoephedrine hydrochloride the same thing?

2.Ephedrine HCL, I have heard lots of you guys talking about it, I don't think I can easily acquire it up here in Canada but I maybe wrong. What is with the HCL? Any other info about it would also be helpful.

3.Xephidrine, not to sure about this one, I remember a post about it but I'm not to sure about it. I also remember reading on another forum that it was able to be acquired in Canada for cold purposes, so is this the same xephidrine that was talked about here? I'll post the link if anyone wants but I don't really want to search for it right now.

I think that's about it, I just want to become more educated about the different types before I go out and make my purchase.

Ephedrine HCL is made in a lab. Ma Haung is the herbal form.
The effectiveness is based on the alkaloid content. I have taken both forms and found both effective, perhaps the herbal form seems to give a better thermogenic effect.
The only advice I have to offer is NEVER exceed the 20mg dosage regardless of how you feel! Your body will quickly adapt and that "buzz" you got in the first few weeks will disappear quickly however, it is very important to realize that the thermogenic affects are still there and in fact improve over continued use.
If you are taking this stuff to burn fat great! If you are using it for the energy bump before a work out I suggest a few cups of coffee instead. Overdosing on this stuff is dangerous!
I think if you do some reading (as I did) you will find most people run into trouble when they over do it and take 40, 60 or even 80g per dose!!!

As far as highly promoted preperations with fancy names like "Thermoblast" or "Fat-nuker" I suggest you save your money. Buy the Ephedrine tabs and stack it with a coffee or caffine tabs.
While I'm on my soapbox...... It drive me nuts when I see people taking any kind of fat burning product expecting it to counter-act the negative affects of spending all the time on the couch with a bag of Doritos and Coke.

They seem to think this is the "magic bean" and the alternative to proper diet and excercise. I speak as a reformed couch-potatoe who thought the same way.
Lessons are best learned the hard way!
Just my opinion...