I've been lifting weights for about 3 years with no real goal other than looking/feeling good. Now I've decided I want to start body building and this seems to be the perfect place to start. I'm 6'2" 215lbs
This is my log for my First 2 Weeks
*2 sets of each
Reverse grip bench 115x15
Flat Bench 135x15
DB shrugs 70'sx15
Tricep Extensions 25x15
close grip bench 95x15
BB shoulder press 85x15
Bent over Rows 135x15
BB curls 55x15
Lat Pull down 105x15
Close grip pull downs 90x15
Calf raises 90x15
squats 135x15
decline sit ups 10lbs behind head x15
Roman Chair leg raises (no weight)
I plan to swap out some exercises for example I will only do BB bench press every other workout and instead to DB bench press during the other in order for me to keep the weight heavy enough to have some effect and yet light enough that I can have a significant increase in weight each workout.
I'll be working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with no weights or cardio on my off days. I also do 20min of HIIT after each workout. My diet is very good although I don't really count calories that closely i stick with vegetables lean meats healthy fats good carbs like quinoa and brown rice. I do take dextrose during my workout before my HIIT to prevent protein breakdown.
Any suggestions or comments would be helpful
This is my log for my First 2 Weeks
*2 sets of each
Reverse grip bench 115x15
Flat Bench 135x15
DB shrugs 70'sx15
Tricep Extensions 25x15
close grip bench 95x15
BB shoulder press 85x15
Bent over Rows 135x15
BB curls 55x15
Lat Pull down 105x15
Close grip pull downs 90x15
Calf raises 90x15
squats 135x15
decline sit ups 10lbs behind head x15
Roman Chair leg raises (no weight)
I plan to swap out some exercises for example I will only do BB bench press every other workout and instead to DB bench press during the other in order for me to keep the weight heavy enough to have some effect and yet light enough that I can have a significant increase in weight each workout.
I'll be working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with no weights or cardio on my off days. I also do 20min of HIIT after each workout. My diet is very good although I don't really count calories that closely i stick with vegetables lean meats healthy fats good carbs like quinoa and brown rice. I do take dextrose during my workout before my HIIT to prevent protein breakdown.
Any suggestions or comments would be helpful