
New Member
I've been taking fish oil for a while now, along with flax and other variations of oils (sometimes a combination of sorts (i.e,flax/fish/borage, or just flax/fish, hell, sometimes extra virgin olive oil)). Althought good to take, these oils can become quite expensive.

So my question is:
Does it really matter, in the case of fish oil for instance, what type fish oil you take? Will any old fish oil do? I know some manufactures use anchovy and other use salmon, so what if I pick up a huge jug of fish oil through a wholesale store here in town? Costco carries big jugs of the stuff for far less than the 8.99 to 10.99 8oz bottles you normally see. However, I'm not completely sure what type of oil it is, thus the reason behind my question.

Any help and/or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. THANKS.....
I've been told recently that the deeper the water fish the oil is from, the higher concentration of EPA and DHA it will contain (i.e., machrol (sp), salmon, albacore, ect). I would imagine that so long as the label says the oil is high in epa or dha and contains X amount of omega threes it would be ok to take.

Am I right in thinking this?
I'd like to know the answer to this as well. I'm also wondering about the quality of the fish oil. I've read that if fish oil in caplet form smells fishy, it's rancid. What's the best way to approach this?