Fish Oil


New Member
Couple Questions about the fish oil... Now it's reccomnded to take 6 grams of EPA and DHA... (i might be confused)

HOWEVER, each capsule contains 1000 mg of FISH OIL, 180 of which is EPA and 120 of which is DHA.


FISH OIL - 1000 mg

EPA - 180 mg
DHA - 120 mg

do i still take 6 capsules daily?? or do i have to take more ??
IF it indeed is recommended to take 6 grams of EPA and DHA (as a collective I assume), you'd have to take 20 of those pills.
I asked bryan and he says 2 grams is the reccomended dosage, which would be 6 a day. (6 grams of fish oil)

If anyone else can correct me please do.