Front squat question

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I'm going to start doing these. I've read instructions in a few places, and they all say to go to parallel, or just past parallel. I normally do atg squats, so would I do the same for front squats? Is that even possible with the position of the barbell and what it does to your balance?

While I'm at it, is there any rule of thumb on what you should be able to lift? Like, if my 5rm for ATG squats is 210, can one predict what it should be for front? Not that I would set that as my 5 rm for a cycle. I would still test it. It's just nice having a ball park figure.

I do ATG Front Squats 3x a week. As far as your weight is concerned, I would find out by starting at 50% your back squat max and increasing to a comfortable weight insteadof doing any calculations. Experience is the best teacher. I also switch up my stanch width from narrow to really wide. For me, the Front Squats have strengthened my lower back TREMENDOUSLY.
I think I'm going to try an upper lower body split. Upper body is figured out. Here's what I'm thinking about for lower:

Lower A:

Dead Lift
ATG Squat

Dead Lift
Front Squat

Maybe abs and short HIIT after lifting. Any thoughts, Dr.?
definitely do your front squats with a full ROM, especially if you plan on doing any olympic lifting. Use a clean grip when you do them and keep your elbows high.