
New Member
Hey Guys!

Has anyone tried it?

It's said to increase GH by 500% when supplemented.

Bryan what do you think about this?
Just did a read up and ordered 1 month supply. i'll post results end of Feb also just started creatine ethyl ester 2 days ago; will post changes.
hi Bosox,

I just want to see what all the hype about this one is. mainly the no-bloat and pump etc; I have been on creatine mono for a long time and have tried the v-12's and the rest and wasn't impressed always going back to mono but now esterized?
So far it feels like when I first took CM a few years ago so i'll keep you posted; started Monday.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (zoomz @ Jan. 06 2005,2:29)]hi Bosox,
I just want to see what all the hype about this one is. mainly the no-bloat and pump etc; I have been on creatine mono for a long time and have tried the v-12's and the rest and wasn't impressed always going back to mono but now esterized?
So far it feels like when I first took CM a few years ago so i'll keep you posted; started Monday.
I found the Creatine Ethyl Ester to make a difference too. Overall the pump seems to last longer. The price is astronomical though when compared to monohydrate. Tried megadosing monohydrate and didn't get the same response as with a few grams of CEE. Omega Sports is coming out with an interesting CEE product soon I think. I may check that out. As for GABA, never tried it, though when I read up on all GH increasing products they seemed to all be a rip off and ineffective.
Yes the CEE is pricey, i got a kilo at BN for $60. but that should last a couple of months, only taking 1/2 tsp for am workout and 1/2 for pm workout.........great pumps but i will cycle off as I finish my drops this week of week 8 and start up again second week of 15's. most amazing at least for now has been the GABA. Taking 3g 1/2 hr before bed and strangely been getting up 1 hr before alarm and feeling rested and quite alert. It's funny because you don't feel like you are getting a good nights rest at the beginning anyways but i guess what you get is a deeper sleep.
I've heard that before. I need help sleeping a lot too, it might be worth it for me to check it out some more in relation to this I guess.