Grip strength?

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I'm curiour about improving grip strength. Secifically to assist in deal lifting. Hypertrophy is certainly not the issue here. Bigger forearms are coming through my regular workout, and grip strength is improving too, but it's behind the curve. I don't want grip to always be my weakest link.

Any recommendations?
use a thicker bar or wrap something round a bar to make it thicker,
hold heavy dumbells or hang from a chin bar for as long as you can.
if you like specific grip strength, check out some of the gripgay focussed forums, like at etc

Theres also an article at by John Sullivan which is a good starter for info.
(etothepii @ Jun. 29 2006,10:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm curiour about improving grip strength. Secifically to assist in deal lifting. Hypertrophy is certainly not the issue here. Bigger forearms are coming through my regular workout, and grip strength is improving too, but it's behind the curve. I don't want grip to always be my weakest link.

Any recommendations?</div>
I strongly recommend some grippers, either captains of crush or heavy grips

Once I started working with these on a regular basis my grip problems vanished.  Another recommendation is to take about 60% of what you can do on a 1 rep maximum deadlift, and pick that weight up with a double over handed grip (deadlift style) and practice holding onto it for as long as possible. (don't use straps).  

Until your grip strength catches up to your back and arm strength, just use straps for your regular deadlift sets.
Although I don't really think Pete Cisco has got much, his power-hooks seem to be good to assist in this.

Anyone tried them out?
it depends on your goals but until i absolutely have to i dont use straps for anything,i used to use straps doing 3 plates aside(140kg)deadlifting but in the end i decided to drop the straps and improve my grip strength which can now handle 5 plates aside no straps so it shows that grip strength can be easily improved if you put more effort in.

so deads are for grip strength not the other way around.but if the weight becomes too heavy i guess u could use them.try static holding the bar with weights on for as long as poss that will improve grip strength.
(Fausto @ Jul. 04 2006,06:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Although I don't really think Pete Cisco has got much, his power-hooks seem to be good to assist in this.

Anyone tried them out?
Yes, I got some hooks and returned them after trying them out at the gym. I hated them. Versa Grips work better than any strap I've used. The problem for me was that they work TOO good. They completely remove your forearm and grip from any pulling movement, and I'm a serious heavy deadlifter trying to get to 800 lbs and want my grip to be trained. Therefore, I went back to straps.
I got some, was really excited...and absolutely hated them!

It might be my fault for not using them properly, although I followed all the instructions etc on the website and studied the pictures etc quite a lot.

I actually nearly hurt my back when doing deads because of the trouble I had with them...and I couldn't even lift the weight I usually lift let alone more.


(Aaron_F @ Jul. 03 2006,00:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;gripgay&quot; focussed forums</div>
Not exactly sure if that was intended, but that just cracked me up
Funny, since writing this thread, I have done nothing specifically for grip strength, but my grip easisly keeps up with my DL now!