HM Gear


New Member
Has anyone used, or heard anything about the products from HM Gear (Oxanavar, Test-OH, etc.)

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Staxx @ Sep. 15 2004,3:25)]Has anyone used, or heard anything about the products from HM Gear (Oxanavar, Test-OH, etc.)
HEard of them, reasonable reputation, okay price. Some nice products too. They just put out a short run of 4 hydroxy nandrolone in a sterile solution, which I believe is available on the Physical Enhancement site. Very nice.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Staxx @ Sep. 17 2004,12:16)]xahrx,
Any thoughts on Oxanavar?
It's just MOHN, the methylated version of hydroxy nadrolone. It's legal, had good overall effects on mood and mental focus for most, very weak anabolic effect unless the dose is upped to 24mg or above. This isn't bad though because the few lab results I've seen suggest it's very easy on the liver even at that dose. Still a methyl though.

Most are using it at a lower dose for cutting, stacked with other compounds.

Now I have been hearing rumors about a cypionate of hydroxy nandrolone coming out. That's got me drooling.
X, I have a question. HM sells their product with instructions to take it orally. I would think that that would be a very poor delivery system. Have you seen any results showing actual serum levels of the products once ingested. Or is just 'sold' as an oral liquid but is really meant to be taken intramuscularly?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ Sep. 17 2004,4:32)]X, I have a question. HM sells their product with instructions to take it orally. I would think that that would be a very poor delivery system. Have you seen any results showing actual serum levels of the products once ingested. Or is just 'sold' as an oral liquid but is really meant to be taken intramuscularly?

It is meant to be taken orally. This is the purpose of the methylation, or the addition of the 17 alk group to the molecule. Injecting it would really be pointless and maybe even harmful as it's probably not sterile and would cause infection. For injection it's possible to find nonmethylated hormones such as hydroxy nandrolone decaonate. The addition of the ester is what keys off to people that the substance isn't for oral consumption.

A few companies offer such substances in what are called sterile oral solutions. For example from the same company, Testosterone OH, or hyrdoxy testosterone decaonate and Nadrolone OH, or hydroxy nandrolone decaonate. They're supposed to be safe for injection, but then again as the company would never reccomend doing this they're probably not liable if someone does it and it screws them up. Plus taking such an esterified substance orally probably wouldn't work well as the ester effects the soluability and so would effect absorption through the digestive/lymphatic system, depending on delivery method.

Basically some companies take the powder and put it in capsule or pill form, others just leave it in solution/suspension and administer it orally that way. Personally I think it's a marketing ploy. Many 'research' chemicals that are used for recovery from steroid cycles are sold in such a way because it's technially legal to sell them that way for 'research purposes.' That's a common and cheap and mostly legal
way to get nolvadex and clomid. I think people see this stuff in solution and get that similar vibe, and companies know this.