Homoeopathic steroids


New Member
Do homoeopathic DHEA and HGH put stress on the liver and kidneys the same way normal steroids do? I know the homoeopathic versions are in very small quantities, but I thought that if the homoeopathic versions have some good effects that are out of porportion to their quantity, they might also have some similar bad effects. Would the homoeopathic DHEA have the same estrogenic efects of normal DHEA?

Mind you, I don't know how homoeopathy works, so I'm asking you.
Anything that effects your hormones will effect your liver to some extent, most commonly by raising enzymes or messing with your lipid profiles. One thing to consider though is that when you're talking about steroids you're talking about methylated orals or ijectables with esters attached to achieve spuraphysiological doses. When you're talking about things like DHEA taken in doses to supplement and slightly boost test levels perhaps, say as in HRT for older men with declining testosterone levels, the effects are negligible for the most part, and even healthy in a lot of ways.

It's a matter of degree basically. If you use mild amounts of the substances you'll see mild side effects. I posted this link on another site, it's a decent read on hormone modulation for the purposes of general health as opposed to building muscle.
