HST experts: 1-ad vs. 4-ad on HST


New Member
Hi everyone
I'm set on packing on around 10lbs of lean mass before I'm off to Advanced Camp (for ROTC) this summer...so I want to use prohormones. I'm an almost-21-yr.-old experienced lifter (~4 yrs), and I want to do a cycle of prohormones for the first time.
I've done some research, and found that 1-ad is both a DHT derivative and precursor to 1-testosterone, while 4ad converts to testosterone. Which one results in greater anabolism for the amount of androgenicity you get? I'm not worried about loss of libido or lethargy, just androgenic side-effects.
I read the AAS FAQ, and know that androgenic effects need to be seen or you won't get any anabolic effects. But since 1-testosterone is different from testosterone, maybe there is a greater anabolic effect vs. androgenic effect.
Thanks for your help
If you're looking to bulk, most people stack either 1-AD or 1-test with 4AD.