
New Member
I'm in my 1st week of 10's now, and am getting ready to run a superdrol cycle soon.
Does it make sense to do Superdrol in 10's & 5's? Or should I wait for 15's / 10's. I heard that Superdrol responds better to high volume, but was wondering. Anyone have any input on it.
My cycle will only be a 3 week 10/20/20 with possibly a 4th week depending on sides. Full nolva pct of course, and I'll be taking thistle / red rice yeast throughout as well to help out. Taurine, glucose as needed.
So does it make any sense to run a superdrol cycle in the middle of a HST cycle like this? Or should I wait. Don't flame..just wondering how people have fared.

Not flaming here but I think you may be using a different acronym than everyone else on this site. SD stands for "Strategic Deconditioning". SD is a mandatory rest period of 9 to 14+ days after completing a 6 to 8 week HST cycle.

I don`t know that much about gear so can`t really comment on that.
Hey Jeff,
There is a post Blade wrote in the FAQ section about AAS usage and HST. In that I believe he recommends that (if you are running a 2 week cycle) you dose during the last week of 10s and first week of 5s.
Since your strength with superdrol will increase somewhat if not drastically, what you might consider is a slightly variable routine.
For example, if you were running a 2 week cycle, try starting dosage during the first week of 5s. At the end of 5s (and the superdrol cycle), continue with 5s. The increased strength that you have gained from the steroid cycle should enable you to perform several more workouts in the 5s with the same increments that your previous days had. So if you were able to continue with 5s for another week, then do 2 weeks of negatives, you would have 3 weeks of lifting to perform PCT. If you desired a longer PCT, just start during the second week of 10s and do the same (extend the 10s an extra couple of days).
I have never used superdrol or any steroid, but reading some other posts on anabolicminds, this was my idea of integrating superdrol into HST.
Make sure to add some CoQ10 to the RYR, or use the Now Foods version that has both. Otherwise it can add strain on your liver. Honestly I wouldn't run lipid protectors during an oral cycle because results are hit or miss as to protecting the lipids. On cycle I'd concentrate on trying to keep liver enzymes in check. Superdrol isn't hard on the liver at all, so some K-R-ALA would work nicely. Off cycle hit the RYR with CoQ10, and make sure you use that nolva for PCT and not just an AI like Reound XT. The nolva will help a lot with the lipids too.

As for the placement of the cycle, I'd stick with the last week of tens, first week of fives, or even just in the two weeks of fives. Even if you find your results volume dependent, you'll be able to handle more volume while on Superdrol anyway.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Honestly I wouldn't run lipid protectors during an oral cycle because results are hit or miss as to protecting the lipids.

Why is that?

I have seen some rather variable results concerning post cycle lipid profiles. But people using powerful antioxidants seemed to be those with the best results. I am not sure exactly what RYR does (how it works), but I believe taking things like sesamin and such helps loads.
Ok, I'll go with the last week on the 10's.

So do you think there will be enough volume? I wanted to be sure I got enough of a work out...this is my first HST cycle (love it so far) so fairley new to it. Used to the traditional method.

Right now its going like this (while not in the exact order)
Flat bench
Incline x2
Shoulder Press
Barbell Shrug (i hold the bb up for 2 seconds before lowering)
Standing Lateral Dumbell raise
Lat Pulldown (no room for pullups)
Seated Row
Leg Extensions x2 (hurt my knee awhile back, squats are out for 2 more months)
Leg Curl x2
Standing Calf Raise x2
Ez Curl for biceps
Reverse Foream

For ab's I've been doing weighted crunches. My workouts have been averaging about 50 minutes. I don't take breaks, other than to change plate weights around. I've gained 1.5lb so far, yet I've burned some fat off my midsection as well that I had gained from bulking w/ traditional lifting. The fact that I've been able to gain a little weight yet burn fat so far is a testimony to this workout. I really like it alot. Feel great, a tiny bit sore, but not bad at all. Come workout day, not sore and feeling great.

Got my diet under control, which is probably the #1 thing as well, sleep for 8 hours a night, doing the water like crazy. I was planning on taking milk thistle throughout the SD/ PCT cycle as well.

Thanks again for replying, Ill go find that FAQ as well. I'll probably be starting my sd on Monday. Week4, last of the 10's!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (precious_roy @ May 18 2005,6:11)]Why is that?
I have seen some rather variable results concerning post cycle lipid profiles. But people using powerful antioxidants seemed to be those with the best results. I am not sure exactly what RYR does (how it works), but I believe taking things like sesamin and such helps loads.
Your posy cycle lipid results with Superdrol won't be variable, they'll be destroyed. It's almost guaranteed with this oral based on the blood work I've seen.

RYR is a form of statin, it basically inhibits one or more of the enzymes your body uses to make cholesterol. You're right about the antioxidents. They're a good idea. K-R-ALA is a great antioxidant to take while on cycle, as is the milk thistle, though like I said Superdrol was successfully designed to be easier on the liver so that's not too much of a worry.

Keep your diet cholesterol friendly while on Superdrol, take the antioxidants while on, and then use the RYR/CoQ10 and other ancilleries to get your lipids back in line once the cycle is over.

A guy over at the AM boards, CEDeoudes59, came up with this stack that brought his lipids back in line after an SD cycle:

Nolvadex (60,40,20)
COQ-10 300mg ED
Policosanol 20mg ED
Red Yeast Rice 2400ED
OdorlessGarlic 800mg

Worked like a charm.
That's a hefty amount of rry..I was going to do 1200 ed. I'll go take a look at his post now. Definatley do not want to screw around with cholesterol. I'll definatley look at adding to what I have now.

thanks for the input.
Hey Jeff,
Good luck with the SD. Maybe keep a log on AM or something so we can see how you are doing?

Also, looking at your routine, you might think about adding a compound leg movement. If you can not do squats or deads for fear of back pains (or your hurt knee), then consider some sort of (possibly low load) leg press. I think that you would benefit much from this with HST in general, not to mention while on the SD.
Ok, I'll look into adding something to help that. I miss the squats
...the excersise that everyone loves to hate.

As far as log, I was going to do one on bb4u, I could do it on AM as well. Looking foreward to doing this.