hunger suppressant


New Member
Ok I'm in a bulking cycle, which probably makes you wonder why i'm trying to suppress my hunger. The reason is i will eat good the whole day (or week) and then before I go to bed find some cookies or other crap that I know I shouldnt have, but i'm hungry so i splurge. Im sure most people would respond "well deal with it" but i'm just wondering what (if any) hunger suppressants work for anyone. I used to be on ripfuel (about a year ago i weighted 240 and couldnt bench 100 i bet, so i took that and now i'm 185 lots of muscle but still at around 15%bf) and that had citrus auranitum and some tree bark or something like that, which did the trick. However, I dont want caffeine or ephedra or any weight LOSS stuff in there. Any ideas and if so how does the supplement work? Thanks in advance,

You're bulking then eating at bed time is a great time to eat, just make sure it's protein. Have some plain old cottage cheese and a bedtime story
You could also eat chicken, steak ......
Suppressant?!?!? Just have some discipline and have whole foods before bed instead. Heck, have the dinner leftovers!

Ditto on the cottage cheese. I usually hate it, but with a scoop of protein powder I love it.

There are a couple of appetite suppresants that come to mind.

Subdue (Syntrax) uses a Jojoba extract called simmondsin. You can do a PubMed search to read more about it. It also has 5-HTP in it, so it might be a good pre-bedtime option.

Anorect-IN (Avant Labs) is another. I suggest it second because it has yohimbine in it, which you probably don't want to take before bedtime.

I haven't used either, sorry.
thanx for the input, i might try someother ideas before going to supplements. I HATE cottage cheese, i got some a few months ago because it is supposed to be "good" for you with all the whey, and low fat and everything, so i tried it and was disgusted. I tried putting fruit in it, but it was still... well, cheezy :) ugh... I WILL however try some chocolate protein powder in it, maybe (Hopefully) that will make it more appetizing
thanks again
Good luck with appetite suppressants, and if you find something please share it. I have tried everything I could get my hands on without avail. I have resorted to devouring mind-boggling quantities of cooked vegetables. Eating less but bigger meals may also help.