I am 18 years old..Any supps I can take?


New Member
I was just curious at the age of 18 years old. Are there any suppliments on the market I could take to help gain even more? I am currently on Creatine and Protein. I know a lot of the supps are for older people who do not produce the testosterone teens produce.

I am not that knowledgeable when it comes to suppliments.

Basically is there anything like steriods that a teen could take to help get good gains. That has no weird side effects.
I think you should spend your money on buying nutritious and healthy food instead. Sorting out your diet will aid more in adding muscle than what any legally sold supplement would do - at your age, your body is still producing lots of growth hormone and testosterone, so take advantage of that.
But one suggestion might be fish oil.
Ok okay..basically what I was thinking.

I have never read anything about the fish oils. But a little while ago. I did a bit of searching on Fish and Flax.

It basically just confused me.

So I have a few questions.

My stats: 18 years old, ~160 lbs, 5'11"

1) Why take fish / flax?
2) Are they safe? No side effects?
3) How much to take?
4) Which brands are the best bang for the buck? (Dont want something outragously expensive, but I want something good)
5) How should they be taken thoughout the day? (Any certain times? Morning/Night? Evenly thoughout the day?)

I think that should answer all my questions. Thanks for the help.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (s7e @ July 05 2003,11:04)]So I have a few questions.
My stats: 18 years old, ~160 lbs, 5'11"
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]1) Why take fish / flax?
Health, potential to aklter nutrient partitioning towards muscle, amongst others
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]2) Are they safe? No side effects?
depends on what you class as side effects. Moderate amounts are associated with decreased risk of certain disease states. Excessive amounts can also have the potential to affect certain cholesterol subfractions and potentailly increase oxidation in the body and potentially cause cancer that way. And on more moderate amounts, some people have problems with clotting (especially with fish oils)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]3) How much to take?
Depends on what you look at. 1-6gm fish oil is a good place to start on that side of things, or if you are taking flax, 1-2Tbspoons are a good starter, probably lower and work your way up
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]4) Which brands are the best bang for the buck? (Dont want something outragously expensive, but I want something good)
DUnno, not american so I dont know
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]5) How should they be taken thoughout the day? (Any certain times? Morning/Night? Evenly thoughout the day?)
I think that should answer all my questions. Thanks for the help.
potentailly take them with a carb based meal, as taken by themselves, there is potential for the mto be oxidised. PRobably wont make much of a difference overall, but its a nice concept.
Good info..few more Questions...

If I take 1-6gm of fish..will that have any side effects that would make me not want to take it? Basically, if I take that ammount, will I have any problems with clotting, etc..

What are these 'fish burps' I have read?

How much per month am I looking to spend on both of these? Is it a good idea to take both of them along with my creatine/protein? Anything else I should be taking?

Thanks a bunch.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If I take 1-6gm of fish..will that have any side effects that would make me not want to take it? Basically, if I take that ammount, will I have any problems with clotting, etc..
shouldnt do, heres a free article on the topic area .Safety considerations of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What are these 'fish burps' I have read?
I wouldnt really call them a side effect, more of a consiquence of. Some people dislike them more than others. But they are liveable.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Is it a good idea to take both of them along with my creatine/protein? Anything else I should be taking?
Flax is cheaper than fish, but is the precursor rather than the actual agent like fish. The effect of fish/flax are felt over the long term, and are potentially extremely small (except some health measures, but these are also not measured in 'fit' people, just normal schmoes). Protien isnt required, but is useful for ease of use. Creatine is good as a baseline supplement
Got ya.

Now for the main question...

Would I benifit from this? Or would I be better off just fixing my daily diet? (Eating better)

I am willing to pay for something that will help my gains. But if it will not help them much of any..I dont think it would be worth the money.

Thanks again.
Caps or lemon flavored fish oil (the one I just love) shouldn't make the fish burps as bad. Fish burps tend to go away after a couple of weeks when you use the oil regularly. It's not an expensive addition to your diet, so I would consider the cost/benefit ratio excellent. 1-6g of fish oil isn't what I consider moderate, if we're talking about EPA/DHA I would agree. 5g of fish oil contains 1.2g of EPA/DHA if my memory serves me correctly, so I take 20g of fish oil per day.

But don't get so hung up on the fish oil, my main concern was with your general diet. Make sure you get adequate protein, healthy fats, and eat grainy and fruity carbs.

Any recomendations on brand I should get..? Should I also look into flax..?

Also..about my diet..what percent of each of them should I be taking (protein, carb, fat)? I am a good weight...with a lil body fat (13-16% roughly just by looking)..wanting to bulk a little more..

Any links or anything to types of foods I should be eating? Or any suggestions?