Impotency of old creatine?


New Member
I've had the same 2 lb jar of creatine for quite some time. It was about 95% depleted, so I ordered another. I wanted to consume all the older stuff first, so I started loading it.

After 3 days at 25g/day, nothing seemed to be happening. Weird. No thirst, lackluster energy in the gym. None of what I remember the first time I tried it.

At that point I ran out of the old stuff. Started a new jar, noticed a few things.

1) It smells different. It has that "creatine" smell. The old jar didn't smell like anything.

2) Taking it, I've started getting the thirst.

Could it be possible that the old creatine aged to the point of inertness? It was only like 1.5 years old.

It would have potentially gone thru the lovely non-enzymatic conversion to creatinine, which is essentially flushed from the body

Its a slow process when in monohydrate form, but entirely possiible

Fresh is always best :)
lol well that would explain a lot... I've been using some creatine that was discarded to a food bank - haven't noticed any real results. I guess I never looked into becuase I remember reading a thread that said "don't worry about the experation..."

heh, guess they ment there were limits to that statement...
I'm sitting here wondering why anyone would donate creatine to a food bank (and why the bank would accept it or know what do with it)!
That's just the begining... Creatine AND protein are donated as I have seen both. Their reasoning for donating, I believe, is the same as any food donation - it's about to expire and they don't want to waste it by throwing it away. Everything I have seen go thru is either about to expire or already expired. It's a personal choice if you want to risk eating expired goods...

Recently I saw some power bars being sold at my gym (Bally's) for 75% off - $0.75/piece!! Almost picked some up but I'm not really into power bars as they all seem to be loaded w/too much junk like saturated fat and sugar. My guess is they were almost about to expire... So I guess that would be an alternative to the food bank except they don't get to write it off?