Increase training volume while on Mag-10?


New Member
I was wondering if it is ok to increase training volume, say 2 workouts a day instead of 1, when taking something like Mag-10. I want to stay on the HST program (I'm just finishing the 1st week of 10's) but the training programs reccomended by the makers of the pro-hormones say to "overtrain" during the 2 week "on" cycle. They say you can get away with it during the cycle. I have read in an earlier post that the best time to start the cycle is the last week of 10's so that you have a few weeks of 5's to help keep your gains after the cycle (I would return to once a day HST workouts after the Mag-10 cycle).
There are definite advantages of training 2x/day, but you shouldn't necessarily double your volume or "overtrain" at all. Most androgens (and PH to a lesser degree) will elevate your exercise tolerance, but I feel too many people overestimate this and end up losing out on their gains from pushing to hard or going overboard on volume.

You could read this thread as well:

Limits of muscle growth
I think the whole "overtrain" suggestion is more an attempt to promote their product than a worthwhile idea. Meaning, they are hoping people, who are undertraining or performing below potential, will bust their asses, see results, and believe it was all due to the supplement. By no means a reflection on you, but I'd guess their largest market is comprised of people who don't have their acts together training wise.
Thanks for the advice. That link that Blade gave was very good. I think I may try 2 a day's but just 1 set per workout. I figure if I'm gonna try the PH's I may as well try and maximize everything since it's only going to be for 2 weeks.