is sat fat really an issue for atheletes


New Member
saturated fat has been implicated in various health problems such as cardiovascular disease and various cancers etc.

in terms of health only, does it matter for lean athletes who are burning through their calories at an alarming rate?
What do you mean? If you're asking if it's ok to have a reasonable amount of saturated fat in your diet then I would answer yes, but we would have to define what reasonable is...

Cutting all saturated fat is a bad ideia but having most of your fat as saturated is even worst probably. Now trans and hydrogenated fats, they are truly the devil. I wonder how much of the bad rep saturated fat got during the 80-90's could have been atributed to these frankstein fats.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Now trans and hydrogenated fats, they are truly the devil.

thats my question., does it really matter if they are trans or hydrogenated or saturated or monounsaturated etc to a hard working lean athelete?
For a sedentary office worker, i know the implications and suggested dangers. But do the same dangers apply to highly active athletes?

(im sorry i did not express the original question properly. i was not asking if sat fat is a bad idea)
A distinction has to be made between, monosaturated, polysaturated and saturated fats which are the natural ones, for the lack of a better word and trans and hydrogenated fats which are man made aberrations that have no place in anyones diet, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't know what are the implications of a high trans fat diet in what concerns muscle building but in general health terms they'll:

Raise your bad cholesterol while lowering the good one
They are incorporated in cell menbranes where they'll alter the way the cell membrane behaviours, which might be particulary harmfull to your brain.

They'll also reduce your blood vessels hability to dilate, a marker in CVD risk.

Increase the risk of developing diabetes , some kinds of cancer and there's probably a ton more I don't know about.

Then there's the omega 3 to 6 ratio and all that...
In terms of a lean athlete, there is not much of a worry with saturated fat, as long as cardiovascular risk factors are all good.
To take it into research terms, I have a few papers where they compared competitive cyclists with a high fat (mainly saturated) to a high carb diets. There was no real change in CV risk factors over the course of the trial.
But, this is not to say that a vast intake of saturates is fine over a lifetime. But if you are maintaining a lean physique, I dont see it being bad per se. But bulking with high safa could be worse than bulking with high mufa/pufa

Now trans fats, try to avoid them as much as possible.