Kre-Alkalyn-buffered creatine


New Member
Over here in New Zealand i have been buying a NFS product called Kre-alkalyn. It is 'buffered' creatine and doesnt convert to creatinine which normal creatine does. You end up only using 1/10 of the amount and dont need to load.

Has anyone here tried this stuff at all?? I have noticed strength gains while using it but that may have been due to another product of NFS i was using at the same time called Sterone. Was wondering if anyone has tried it and waht results they saw.
Haven't tried it but something to keep in mind: plenty of studies show very high plasma increases in creatine after monohydrate supplementation in addition to increased creatine levels in the muscle after a muscle biopsy.

Quote from linked study below...interestingly enough, the same study showed that the liquid creatine pills had only 2% of the promised creatine, presumably because of the pill's shelf life:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The degradation of creatine in water at 25 °C follows a first-order degradation kinetics with a rate constant of 0.0263 per day.

A simple LC method with UV detection for the analysis of creatine and creatinine and its application to several creatine formulations.

The concentration of the solution tested was 80 micrograms/ml creatine, which equates to 5 grams of creatine in 2.2 fluid ounces at a degredation rate of ~3% per day (unless my stats are off). Whether or not their product doesn't actually degrade into creatinine (perhaps something else??), I don't know, but it seems somewhat hard to rationalize paying that much extra for a product that isn't proven to work and bases it's benefits on misinformation :)

I'd watch out for that SterOne thing too but that might just be me :)
Thanks for your reply Cylus...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'd watch out for that SterOne thing too but that might just be me

Why would you watch out for this product?? Is there something questionable in the ingredients? :confused:
I used it once before and did notice substancial strength gains with no visible side effects. :)
Well, I've heard nothing good about Ecdy/Methoxyflav stacks; supposedly, it takes exorbitant amounts of EcDy to mimic androgens, assuming it even does so. I don't believe there is any hard evidence backing up the anabolic claims of plant sterols (at least, I can't find any decent and recent articles on it). I'd be suprised if anyone on this board would recommend it but ya never know! :)

Anyways, if you're really into taking it and believe that it was active in your strength gains before, here is a list of products containing mixtures of EcDy and other stuff like Trib/Methoxy, etc... which may or may not be cheaper and higher quality than that NFS company.

I'd just put my money into whey protein and creatine monohydrate instead, if I was you :)
CHeers dude.
I havent bought anymore recently but was considering it. THe drawback is the high price. Supplement wise, im using a high quality protein power, the Kre-alkalyn creatine and just some glucostamine for my joints. Was using L-glutamine but ive read that during a bulking phase its not really necessary since there is ample amounts in food.
Oh, also EFA's from flax oil, some vitaman C and zinc. :)