lipoderm-y/ultra/odb vs absolved

Lipoderms tend to produce better results on sub Q fat, especially around the lower ab and back area. Absolved seems to better target visceral fat. The only time I would use Absolved would be right after a ph/AAS cycle. However, due to many mixed reviews, I'm still not convinced either or these products are truly effective.
Do a search for Steve McDermitt or Mindwraith, one of these has experience with both of these products and not disputing what Baby A has said, as I have no doubt he knows what he is talking about, but one of these guys(memeory fails on if it was Steve or Mindwraith) has posted elaborately on these.
Baby a is exactly right. I too am skeptical of these products. I have used the lipo-ultra with good results - I lost over 1"&1/2 from the lower abdomen. However, it quickly rebounded once the use was stopped. I have tried absolve, but after my next cycle, I will give it a try.