Low testoesterone test, what should I take?


New Member
It's official, my testosterone levels are at the very low end of the normal range. I am natutally thin and have always had a difficult time gaining muscle. I finally had my testosterone levels tested and I was 250 on a 200-850 scale. In the past I have tried, off and on, ZMA and Tribulus, but while both increase my sexual interest, neither appeared to do much for my mass gains.

So now I am considering a pro-hormone like Mag 10. I have never wanted to manipulate my testosterone levels using steroids or steroid-like products, mostly for health reasons and also because I feared losing everything I gained after I went off.

Do you guys have any thoughts on what supplements might work well for me? And any thoughts about how much muscle I can keep after a Mag 10 cycle? Anything else?

Thanks for your help.
Speak with an endocronologist - you may end up doing what I did, namely go on HRT even though you're within the "normal" range. My doc made sure I'm now in the high-normal range so I feel great.

If you're going to play with pro-hormones I'd be more concerned about the health apsect than if I had a professional set up a regimen of "the real thing", and I also don't see why you would be less afraid of losing the gains with anything else...If your test is low, you can retain less muscle than if it's high.