lyle's book and bromocriptine experiences


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Not sure how frequently he scans these boards, but I was curious...

Lyle, did you effectively employ Bromocriptine in the manner you described in your e-book? Ie were you able to bring yourself to a very low level of bodyfat by adding it to your existing dieting? I ordered and read the book (great read btw), and was curious how people's experience was panning out based on your theories.

checking for bromocriptine on pubmed yielded at least one study showing it favorably affected fat loss for people dieting. My layman's understanding of Bromocriptine's use for dieting was that it would effectively fool the brain into thinking 'normal' levels of leptin were present even while dieting, thus allowing one to perpetuate fat loss and avoid metabolic/thyroid/etc retardation when one's caloric intake dropped.