MicroLactin ™


New Member
Here's a link to the only (or be it the first) supplement i've seen based on this:


I used to buy supplements from atlargenutrition and wouldn't steer anybody away from them. They have great customer support, they only offer what works (no snake oil), but this ones new. Before this, they just offered the proven basics. Protein, creatine, and multi vitamins. How perfect is that. But now this? I've never even heard of it, just wondering what anybody knows about it.

Here is a link to the company that makes MicroLactin. http://www.smbimilk.com/ They have an FDA disclaimer right on the main page, they also have a list to a number of scientific studies. ( I don't know how many SMBI funded though).
well, most of what it's advertising is based on endurance runners, who have little in common with bodybuilders. Doesn't look like much to me. I think a glass of milk would be just as good.
Its claiming to come from NZ, so I will ask tomorrow, mainly cos I work for basically the "only" dairy company in NZ.. :D
and they dont really say exactly what it is

I think I know what it is, but I didnt think it was actually being manufactured on any scale
Buy all of it you can :D

basically, its concentrated bioactives from milk that show immune and other benefits. Whether it actually equates to improved gains like the origonal link is qualifying, is anotehr story. It has research backing, and its all patented to death via Stolle, but none of the research is in young, recreational bodybuilders, or nuts wanting to get bigger.