Neck Exercises?


New Member
Hi Guys

anyone doing any exercises for their Necks?

I'm 5'9.5 and a "naturally" walk around at 155lbs Once (when cycling on creatine and using HIT) I went up to 179lbs and loved it (plateaued there though
). Although my Shoulders and chest was somewhat developed I still had a "pencil neck".

I'm New to HST and still setting up my cycle but I'm already sold (this is some sound Science!) however looking at some of the sample routines I don't see any neck specific exercises. Anybody got any Ideas?

PS want a Neck more like Rickson Gracie that John Basdow
deadlifts, shrugs, Olympic pulls, rack pulls, direct neck work (get a harness.) etc

or gain 100lbs...

really :D
You can do wrestlers bridges on a mat. Work all sides of the neck --left, right, back. But go slow the neck is an easy muscle to pull.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bob Evans @ June 05 2005,3:04)]You can do wrestlers bridges on a mat. Work all sides of the neck --left, right, back. But go slow the neck is an easy muscle to pull.
Neck Bridges huh?
actually I've started oing them, but not sure how to relate it to HST :confused:
I used to train the old neck for rugby - but it's recently being highlighted that an overly muscled neck causes snoring - as the air ways are closed-up by "heavy" neck muscle when you sleep... ;)
To get width you have to do exercises for the Sternocleidomastoid , which is the front and sides of the neck. Shrugs are for the back of the neck. I don't have access to a 4 way neck machine, nor a harness, so i use a weight plate placed over a towel and lay on a bench and it seems to work well for me. People in my gym always ask me what im doing when they see me doing this, i love it!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (wrestlingmark @ July 07 2005,10:44)]To get width you have to do exercises for the Sternocleidomastoid , which is the front and sides of the neck. Shrugs are for the back of the neck. I don't have access to a 4 way neck machine, nor a harness, so i use a weight plate placed over a towel and lay on a bench and it seems to work well for me. People in my gym always ask me what im doing when they see me doing this, i love it!

yeap I've added this exercise to my routine and am pretty excited about it, this way you can increase the weight as opposed to Neck Bridges