Please, I can only train 2 times a week, for 90 min each worktout.
I did this routine for 6 months and gained 10 lbs of lean body mass.I think the results comes for the good nutrition.But now it stoped working.I cant increase my strength for weeks.I do 2 full-bodys workouts a week, a A and a B workouts.See:
Leg press:1x6reps,1x4reps whit 222 kg
Leg curl:2x5 whit 37 kg
Chins:B.W + 30 kg x 4,4
Incline dunbell bench press:32 kg dunbell for 4,3
One-arm dunbell rows:42 kg dunbell for 6,5
Lateral raises:10 kg dunbell for 5,4,3
Triceps extensions:39.5 kg x 5
Wrist curl : 22 kg dunbell for 10 reps, 2 sets
Leg press:same as A
Bench press:91.5 kg x 3,2
Pull-ups:B.W + 22 kg x 4,3
MP:47.5 kg x 5,4
Dips:B.W + 20 kg x 8
Bent-over lateral raises:10 kg x 12,12
Barbell curls:43.5 kg x 4
Reverse-wrist curls:10 kg dunbell for 15,10
Back extensions:B.W + 16 kg x 8
I am 1m76 cm, 73 kg, 12.5% bf.My goal is strength and hypertrophy.I was thinking if this is enougth volume for grow.
I rest 2 mim between sets.When you read,for example, MP 47.5 kg x 5,4 , is one set for 5 reps, than after 2 min rest i do 4 reps.I train very close to faulire on all sets.I like to train very hard whit heavy weigths, and I love bodybuilding.
I think HST is not for me, because I can train 3 times a week, and I will not like the ligth workouts.Maybe I need to change my mind?
Thank's for any help!!
Please, I can only train 2 times a week, for 90 min each worktout.
I did this routine for 6 months and gained 10 lbs of lean body mass.I think the results comes for the good nutrition.But now it stoped working.I cant increase my strength for weeks.I do 2 full-bodys workouts a week, a A and a B workouts.See:
Leg press:1x6reps,1x4reps whit 222 kg
Leg curl:2x5 whit 37 kg
Chins:B.W + 30 kg x 4,4
Incline dunbell bench press:32 kg dunbell for 4,3
One-arm dunbell rows:42 kg dunbell for 6,5
Lateral raises:10 kg dunbell for 5,4,3
Triceps extensions:39.5 kg x 5
Wrist curl : 22 kg dunbell for 10 reps, 2 sets
Leg press:same as A
Bench press:91.5 kg x 3,2
Pull-ups:B.W + 22 kg x 4,3
MP:47.5 kg x 5,4
Dips:B.W + 20 kg x 8
Bent-over lateral raises:10 kg x 12,12
Barbell curls:43.5 kg x 4
Reverse-wrist curls:10 kg dunbell for 15,10
Back extensions:B.W + 16 kg x 8
I am 1m76 cm, 73 kg, 12.5% bf.My goal is strength and hypertrophy.I was thinking if this is enougth volume for grow.
I rest 2 mim between sets.When you read,for example, MP 47.5 kg x 5,4 , is one set for 5 reps, than after 2 min rest i do 4 reps.I train very close to faulire on all sets.I like to train very hard whit heavy weigths, and I love bodybuilding.
I think HST is not for me, because I can train 3 times a week, and I will not like the ligth workouts.Maybe I need to change my mind?

Thank's for any help!!