Omega 3 EFAs


New Member
I have recently read alot of discussion here on optimal/desireable dosage amounts for Omega 3 EFAs (EPA/DHA). I am a little confused.

Bryan has recommended 2-8 grams of Omega 3 EFAs is proper. However the confusion comes from how much fish oil gelcaps to take. Each gelcap is one gram of fish oil but only 300 mg of EPA/DHA.

To get 2-8 grams of Omega 3 EFAs, I would need to consume between 2000/300 (~7 gelcaps) to 8000/300 (~26 gelcaps).

Is my understanding correct, or is the recommended dosage of 2-8 grams referring to Fish oil gelcaps (2 to 8 caps per day)?
The number of capsules you have to take is determined by the amount of EPA/DHA in it.If the capsule says 300mg of (EPA+DHA), you have to take 10 capsules to get 3 gms, 20 capsules for 6 gms.Of course, you may have to buy it every two weeks if you are taking 10 capsules a day!But, you have to take atleast 4 - 6 gms to see any nutrient partitioning effect.But, if you are going for just general health 1- 2 gms is enough.
:) Anoop