

New Member
its is generally recommended for short cycles (2 weeks) pct should be as long as cycle

for longer (6 weeks) pct should be 50 % of the cycle

but what for something inbetween? im interested in 3-4 week cycles...

will 2 week pct with 40mg nolva 1 week and 20mg during 2 week okay?
What kind of compounds would you be using? Some compounds will shut you down much more, or faster than others.
mostly 1test 4ad both transdermal...around 200-300mg and 300-400mg...

or 1test 1.4 andro (the andro oral as methylated or non-methylated version...dosing depends therefore)
Those aren't too bad. I'd go with a standard two to three week PCT. Realize that after PCT you're still not 100% back, so you want to leave some time after that for just all around natural recovery.

For example a standard 4 week oral cycle with Dbol would usually be followed with a three week PCT of Nolvadex or Clomid, with dosages tapering down.

I wouldn't reccomend running an oral more than four weeks, but the transdermals usually do better during longer cycles, 6 to 8 weeks. If you enough for that I'd say go for that and a three week PCT. I've generally found 4AD to be much 'wetter' than 1,4 Andro, so I'd say go with the latter and have some nolva on hand to deal with gyno, should it occur during the cycle, as well as for PCT.
Why would you be using 1test for only 4 weeks? It usually doesn't even kick in until the 3rd week for most people. If you are going to be using 1,4 andro, I would go with a full FOUR weeks of PCT. I have to disagree w/ xahrx, I would not consider a PCT duration of 2 or even 3 weeks "standard" and I also would not taper down the dosage of Nolva or whatever you're planning on using.

My PCT schedule would look like this:
Weeks 1-2: 40mgs Nolva
Weeks 2-4: 20mgs Nolva

This is just MPO. :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (baby a @ Jan. 27 2005,5:51)]Why would you be using 1test for only 4 weeks? It usually doesn't even kick in until the 3rd week for most people. If you are going to be using 1,4 andro, I would go with a full FOUR weeks of PCT. I have to disagree w/ xahrx, I would not consider a PCT duration of 2 or even 3 weeks "standard" and I also would not taper down the dosage of Nolva or whatever you're planning on using.
My PCT schedule would look like this:
Weeks 1-2: 40mgs Nolva
Weeks 2-4: 20mgs Nolva
This is just MPO. :)
That is a taper down though, maybe you thought I was refering to the actual roids. I'd use a more than 40 mgs the first week off of a 1test cycle as well. Id' go with 60mgs the first, 40 the second, 20 the third and 20 for the fourth if he wants to stretch it that long. I would say three weeks of PCT after a four week methyl cycle is good though. One thing to keep in mind is that PCT drugs like Clomid and Nolvadex ain't all that great for you, and have their own side effects if taken too long just as roids do. Getting your hormone levels back to normal isn't the only health concern during PCT.

Two week PCTs are only for after two week cycles. Everything else I'd say a minimum of three weeks.

One last thing, for the methyl version of 1,4 Andro, I'd say use it at the beginning of the cycle. Generally it'll kick in faster that the transdermal so stick it in the beginning, get yourself some gains at the beginning and end. Like baby a said the trans 1 test isn't going to kick in until week three or so, or so it is for most people. Transdermals and injectables are safer than methylated orals, but you also need to run them longer to get the best results.
therefore transdermals 4-8 week cycles with 3-?? (8) week pct...

orals 2-4 weeks cycles with 2-4 week pct

i also found that 1.4 andro shuts me down way fasater then 4ad...but on the other hand does an excellent shop in leaning me out and build up lean muscles...
The PCT really depends on the length of the cycle. After a four week oral cycle, three weeks of PCT will be good. 6-8 week transdermal or injectable, I'd say four weeks at minimum. Looks like you've got it. I wouldn't worry about the shutdown from the 1,4, because the shutdown from a 6-8 week cycle of 1 test is probably gonna be hard too. It's not something I'd say requires HCG, but you're going to be shutdown regardless of the 1,4 use or not. So, might as well go for it.
sure, i personal just found that 1.4 suts me down way faster - allready after 2 weeks my testiclas have dwarf size...

i will probably stay on the save sied, because i usually dont have my tlevels tested....
No balls huh?
yeah! first time i was really scared because my testicles dont change in size on a 1test/4ad cycle...it really has to be the 1.4 ad....but this is so freakin superb for cutting that i dont want to miss it ;-)

so know i need to do my penis and testicles stretch exercises...
hey xarhx

what do you mean with use the 1.4 andro "at the beginning" of the cycle?

something like

week 1-3 1test + 1.4 andro
week 4-6 just 1 test

or week 1-3 1test + 1.4 andro
week 4-6 1test + 4ad
