PH's and HST


New Member
To introduce myself:
Age - 22yrs old
Weight - 186lbs
Height - 5'10"
BF - 15%
Lifting for 3 years.
Previously cycled 1AD/4AD with 8lbs kept this past spring using Max-OT training.

Regular Supplements
Whey Protein Isolate (GF Pro, Primaforce)
Flax Seed Oil
AST Multi
Chromium Picolinate

I wish to run a 4 week cycle of Superdrol, Ergomax LMG, or M1T while on this HST cycle. I have been reading, talking, and researching like crazy to figure out how to do this. I have read the HST FAQ about 3 times this week and have been searching everything I could over at and I know that 4 weeks on is considered to short to keep the gains as said in the HST FAQ's, but I will be using Clomid and Nolva along with an AI at the end of PCT to keep my gains. This has worked well for me in the past. I have come up with a training cycle that looks good to me. Please review.

Week 1: 1x15
Week 2: 1x15
Week 3: 1x15
Week 4: 2x10
Week 5: 2x10 On cycle
Week 6: 2x10 On cycle
Week 7: 3x5-10 On cycle
Week 8: 3x5-10 On cycle
Week 9: 2x5 PCT, keeping the weight the same, but dropping the volume and reps
Week 10: 2x5 PCT
Week 11: 2x5 PCT
Week 12: 2x5 PCT
Week 13: 2x5 Almost back to normal
Week 14: 2x5 Natty test restored
Forgot to post what my PCT will be.

Week 9-Day 1: Clomid 300mg
Week 9: Clomid 100mg, Nolva 40mg, Pro Liver
Week 10: Clomid 50mg, Nolva 30mg, Pro Liver
Week 11: Nolva 20mg, 6OXO 600mg, Pro Liver
Week 12: 6OXO 300mg, Pro Liver

I may add Fenugreek to this as well.
Four weeks of M1T will have your liver dripping out of your anus in small, bloody chunks. Gains from Superdrol top out at week two or three for most so it doesn't make much sense running it beyond that. Both M1T and Superdrol will destroy your lipid profiles and if you don't do something pre, during and post cycle to deal with that it can lead to problems. Ergomax LMG will accelerate hair loss for a lot of people, if it runs in your family you'll need to protect against that. It also has similar if not as pronounced an effect on the liver and kindeys.

With all that said, you're way too young to be messing around with substances like that. Most people's bodies don't hit a state of homeostasis until their mid to later twenties. Run any more than what you've already done and you're running the risk of messing yourself up for good. Stunting bone growth, messing up you HPTA permanently, destroying your liver and in the case of M1T your kidneys as well, etc.

If you have to do something, go with milder substances or better yet even some of the newer nonhormonal substances. Ultra H.O.T. and ActivaTe stack well, shouldn't affect your HPTA in any major way, have little to no effect on liver or kidneys, etc. I nother words they're a lot safer and lot less likely to rip you a new one.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Week 9-Day 1: Clomid 300mg
Week 9: Clomid 100mg, Nolva 40mg, Pro Liver
Week 10: Clomid 50mg, Nolva 30mg, Pro Liver
Week 11: Nolva 20mg, 6OXO 600mg, Pro Liver
Week 12: 6OXO 300mg, Pro Liver

why does your pct profile looks like it looks? why exactly do you combine nolva/clo/oxo?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xahrx @ June 14 2005,12:47)]Four weeks of M1T will have your liver dripping out of your anus in small, bloody chunks.  Gains from Superdrol top out at week two or three for most so it doesn't make much sense running it beyond that.  Both M1T and Superdrol will destroy your lipid profiles and if you don't do something pre, during and post cycle to deal with that it can lead to problems.  Ergomax LMG will accelerate hair loss for a lot of people, if it runs in your family you'll need to protect against that.  It also has similar if not as pronounced an effect on the liver and kindeys.
With all that said, you're way too young to be messing around with substances like that.  Most people's bodies don't hit a state of homeostasis until their mid to later twenties.  Run any more than what you've already done and you're running the risk of messing yourself up for good.  Stunting bone growth, messing up you HPTA permanently, destroying your liver and in the case of M1T your kidneys as well, etc.
If you have to do something, go with milder substances or better yet even some of the newer nonhormonal substances.  Ultra H.O.T. and ActivaTe stack well, shouldn't affect your HPTA in any major way, have little to no effect on liver or kidneys, etc.  I nother words they're a lot safer and lot less likely to rip you a new one.
Thank you for the advise. This isnt exactly what I was looking for, but I appreciate you taking the time out to voice your concern. M1T would probably only be run for three weeks if I chose to go that route. SD can easily be run for 4 weeks with proper protection. Ergomax is a great choice too.
Some of the ancillaries with SD/M1T should include:
- Red Yeast Rice
- CoQ10
- Policosanol
- Milk Thistle
- Flax oil daily
- Hawthorne Berry

I appreciate your concern, but I was really looking for some HST advice to fit the cycle. On a side note, I think M1T is my last choice becuase I am looking for dry gains during the summer.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Nemesis7884 @ June 14 2005,3:05)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Week 9-Day 1: Clomid 300mg
Week 9: Clomid 100mg, Nolva 40mg, Pro Liver
Week 10: Clomid 50mg, Nolva 30mg, Pro Liver
Week 11: Nolva 20mg, 6OXO 600mg, Pro Liver
Week 12: 6OXO 300mg, Pro Liver
why does your pct profile looks like it looks? why exactly do you combine nolva/clo/oxo?
My PCT is pretty much a straight drop off with 6OXO at the end just like PA said to. 6OXO is much weaker than nolva for combating estrogen, so using it on week 3 and 4 is going to help my body get back to normal by preventing the flooding my receptors with estrogen when I stop the nolva. As an Aromatase Inhibitor it should help my receptors get back to normal after inhibiting them for 3 weeks while on nolva. As far as the clomid goes it really just helps with boosting the body's Leutenizing Hormone after coming off a cycle. I know alot of people say it makes them feel like a chick and everything, but I feel fine. I know there is a problem with having too little estrogen, but my doses arent very high for anything except the clomid on the first day. Thanks
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Sky9 @ June 14 2005,5:40)]Thank you for the advise.  This isnt exactly what I was looking for, but I appreciate you taking the time out to voice your concern.  M1T would probably only be run for three weeks if I chose to go that route.  SD can easily be run for 4 weeks with proper protection.  Ergomax is a great choice too.
Some of the ancillaries with SD/M1T should include:
- Red Yeast Rice
- CoQ10
- Policosanol
- Milk Thistle
- Flax oil daily
- Hawthorne Berry
I appreciate your concern, but I was really looking for some HST advice to fit the cycle.  On a side note, I think M1T is my last choice becuase I am looking for dry gains during the summer.
Yes, those are the products you should run with either. They need to be front loaded as some take a while to kick in. If you haven't been running them for at least a month there's a good chance they won't do anything to protect your lipids or liver and you're PCT will be just as hard in that regard.

Yes, you can run Superdrol for four weeks. Week two and three is when lipid profiles seem to down the toilet. Week two and three is when size gains top off for almost everyone. Week two and three is also when strength gains top off for most, with a few still gaining after that. In other words the optimal cycle length for gains of all types is two to three weeks. Few if any people see much of anything but strength gains in the fourth week unless they also front load the Superdrol. Starting high and ending at a more moderate dose has alleviated this problem for some.

I see no problem with your PCT. Looks like a standard Clomid/Nolva mix, and both should help restore your lipid profiles after the cycle.

M1T is basically poisonous. It's one of the most powerful and poisonous steroids ever made, and not for someone to jump into after one cycle of 1AD/4AD. Those are good compounds, but seriously weaker than the steroids you're considering. Do you know about the hypoglycemic effects of both Superdrol and M1T? Do you know how to combat it? How about the back pumps? How about the dosages you'll be using of either one? How about taking care of your HPTA? M1T shuts you down totally in about three days. Even for short cycles of M1T, HCG is a good idea.

Keep your log at AM. When your liver explodes I won't say I told you so. I'm sorry pal but the reason you got so few responses is because however much research you think you did, it's obvious you didn't do enough. At your age the total shutdown M1T causes could lead to serious problems. It could at any age in fact, which is why most people avoid M1T when there are less risky alternatives with better known risk profiles.

Best of luck.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xahrx @ June 21 2005,1:58)]Those are good compounds, but seriously weaker than the steroids you're considering. Do you know about the hypoglycemic effects of both Superdrol and M1T? Do you know how to combat it? How about the back pumps? How about the dosages you'll be using of either one? How about taking care of your HPTA?
Great post. I'd like to know these answers if you wouldn't mind :-)

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Staxx @ June 21 2005,4:18)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xahrx @ June 21 2005,1:58)]Those are good compounds, but seriously weaker than the steroids you're considering.  Do you know about the hypoglycemic effects of both Superdrol and M1T?  Do you know how to combat it?  How about the back pumps?  How about the dosages you'll be using of either one?  How about taking care of your HPTA?
Great post.  I'd like to know these answers if you wouldn't mind :-)

For the hypoglycemia you need to up carbs and good fats by quite a bit in your diet.  For the back pumps taurine and potassium seem to help quite a bit.  For his dosages you'd have to ask him.  I personally wouldn't go above 10mg a day with M1T, though people have done a lot more than that.  I'd say stupidly.  For Superdrol HPTA isn't more of a big deal than any other steroid really.  For M1T the shutdown is hard and fast, and even for a two to three week cycle HCG is a great addition.  Dosage would probably be 500iu twice a week if I remember right.  Some would use it through PCT, I wouldn't.  HCG is supressive of the HPTA itself.  But I would go full out with a Clomid/Nolva/AI PCT.  And throw in every other ancillery that would help too, like cortisol blockers, nonstimulant fat burners, etc.  After two weeks of M1T your going to be extremely catabolic, so you'd better eat like a fiend and handle training very carefully.  Maybe even a nine day split for a while.  Just chill.

Plus from his notes here and on the AM board I think he's expecting his natural test production to be back to normal way too soon.  Even when you're done with PCT it can take a few weeks, sometimes months, to see levels get back to where they were.

I wouldn't say the point of PCT is to return your body's natural test production to normal.  It's to get it started faster than it normally would in that direction and to hit levels that are hopefully within a normal range so you can maintain as much of your gains as possible.  Getting your test back to where it was is something that can only happen naturally for the most part, over time.  Which is why the general rule is you should spend at least as much time off as you were on.  Double time off is better.  So for a four week cycle followed by a three to four week PCT, you're should at least get two months off, preferably longer.