ok guys,i'm nearing the end of my 2nd HST cycle
Now planning my 3rd cycle & if
u followed through my 1st 2 cycles, u know
the exercises.
I'm planning to change my back, shoulder
Back : Barbell rows (but I dun seem to
see much results from this)
any alternatives?
Shoulder: behind e neck press (it's getting
heavy & alridi at 120 ibs at 5 reps, so dun
wanna hurt my shoulder)
obvious alternative is front military press
but question! :
1) how to determine my 5 rep max if never
done this before?
2) my grip - shoulder width or wider like
behind the neck?
for biceps which my left forearm is giving
problems due to olympic barbell curl
I'm going to switch over to EZ bar & give
it a shot with SAME poundages from 2nd
cycle (figured I can't go any heavier without
bending backwards literally)
My proposed 3rd HST cycle attached below:
need comments, thanks.
Now planning my 3rd cycle & if
u followed through my 1st 2 cycles, u know
the exercises.
I'm planning to change my back, shoulder
Back : Barbell rows (but I dun seem to
see much results from this)
any alternatives?
Shoulder: behind e neck press (it's getting
heavy & alridi at 120 ibs at 5 reps, so dun
wanna hurt my shoulder)
obvious alternative is front military press
but question! :
1) how to determine my 5 rep max if never
done this before?
2) my grip - shoulder width or wider like
behind the neck?
for biceps which my left forearm is giving
problems due to olympic barbell curl
I'm going to switch over to EZ bar & give
it a shot with SAME poundages from 2nd
cycle (figured I can't go any heavier without
bending backwards literally)

My proposed 3rd HST cycle attached below:
need comments, thanks.