Pre made shakes


Well-Known Member
How long will whey protein keep in milk?

Say I want to take a pre-made shake to uni before I hit the gym there that day (make the shake @ 8ish, take the shake @ 12ish for example, hit gym 45mins later).....the whey won't have denatured/similar will it?
The answer seems to me to be obviously no, provided I keep it refrigerated (for the milk's sake).
just use water instead and be safe :D

but i thinkt that if you keep it in refrigerator for few hours there will be no problem
Yeh, obv. I don't think it will go 'poof' and disappear
....but I want a fast protein before the workout and if it the long term keeping somehow changes this then it's not as ideal obv.

But yeh, water is prob easier :)
i think aaron said that the proteins are absorbed separately when whey and milk mix. it would be good for a post workout shake. But I'm not sure if it'll work if it's stored. Just making it as a post workout shake is fine i think.