New Member
Bryan, why don't you start us off w/ a presentation of the SST principles and methods? 
Everyone else, feel free to chime in as well

Everyone else, feel free to chime in as well

[b said:Quote[/b] (Blade @ Jan. 21 2003,12:55)]Hakkinen and co-workers have shown that there is an increase in EMG activity with strength training as well as a decrease in EMG activity upon cessation of training (Hakkinen,1983). Fourteen male subjects (20-30 yr) accustomed to weight training went through progressive strength training of combined concentric and eccentric contractions three times per week for 16 wk. The active training period was followed by an eight week detraining period. The training program consisted mainly of dynamic exercises for leg extensors with the loads of 80-120% of one maximum concentric repetition (1RM). Significant improvements in muscle function were observed in early conditioning; however, the increase in maximal force during the very late training period was greatly limited. Marked improvements in muscle strength were accompanied by significant increases in the neural activation (EMG) of the leg extensor muscles. The relationship between EMG and high absolute forces changed during the training period. The occurrence of these changes varied during the course of training. During detraining, there was a decline in EMG activity.
For strength specifically, I think an HST-style SD is not ideal. On the other hand, it probably is a good idea to back off from the weights once in a while.[b said:Quote[/b] (savagebeast @ Jan. 29 2004,2:04)]Does this mean that if one were to go from a strength program to HST, some of the strength gains would be lost during SD? Or would this finding not apply because their period of detraining lasts for 8 weeks while SD is only ~2 weeks?
If you're doing bodybuilding w/ a strength aspect or doing strength training w/ assistance exercises, every 4th week you can cut out all your assistance exercises and just do your core lifts. This keeps you from detraining and gives you a break. For a thorough explanation on periodisation and bodybuilding go to WeighTrainer and look in their "Advanced Training" articles. Stress Point System and Bodybuilding Periodisation is what they're called, i think. They have some other good stuff too. Hope this helped.[b said:Quote[/b] ]One of the Russians (I think Zatsiorsky off the top of my head) suggested taking a week every month in which you keep intensity high but reduce volume.
Hey, the weighttrainer is back online!![b said:Quote[/b] (da1andonlychacha @ Jan. 29 2004,11:25)]If you're doing bodybuilding w/ a strength aspect or doing strength training w/ assistance exercises, every 4th week you can cut out all your assistance exercises and just do your core lifts. This keeps you from detraining and gives you a break. For a thorough explanation on periodisation and bodybuilding go to WeighTrainer and look in their "Advanced Training" articles. Stress Point System and Bodybuilding Periodisation is what they're called, i think. They have some other good stuff too. Hope this helped.[b said:Quote[/b] ]One of the Russians (I think Zatsiorsky off the top of my head) suggested taking a week every month in which you keep intensity high but reduce volume.