

New Member
I have been reading about 1test and 1-AD. I know that they are close to being the same. I'm not clear on the difference if there is any. I was wondering if anyone has had better gains with a topical over an oral. Or if anyone has found a certain company that makes a product that they feel is better than others. I'm either going to try the 1AD made by Ergopharm or else the Dermocypional TD by Global Nutraceuticals. If anyone has any information that will help I would appreciate it thanks.
I have read that the 1Test has a higher absorbtion rate since it is a transdermal (apply on the skin) and easier on the liver. However, I don't know anyone that has taken it personally, as I do with 1AD, and everyone I know that has taken 1AD has liked it.
I think 1AD just converts to 1T.

1T is not always delivered transdermally. I think there are a lot of oral products, too. Ergopharm was testing a cyclodextrin 1T (oral), but since the proposed prohormone ban I have no idea what the status of that product is now.