Recommending creatine?


New Member
Hi guys,
Can any of you recommend a good place to buy creatine? This is another aspect of my diet I hope to repair soon... I've got an old TwinLab Creatine Fuel tub I'll probably finish then order some more. Do any of you order from online? (I'm in the US btw) I see is listing 300g Sci Fit Creatine for $13 - Is that any good?
I probably won't do a loading cycle unless you guys convince me otherwise... This area of creatine is new to me, but here's what I've gathered so far: Take 2-5g per day w/juice (for insulin) perferably ~15 before workout. Sound right?
Thanks in advance!
worship.gif Creatine is great...and has a great price. You can buy it from this very site!
Honestly, HSN creatine is very good -- the best I've had, and the only micronized powder I've had. I won't go back.

At $9.95/300 grams right now, it's a bargain, too.
lol ok now I'm gonna go hide in the corner...that was embarrasing =P ...I think I saw the price of primer/driver and didn't look further... Well thanks guys, guess I'll be keeping that in mind.
I buy mine at Costco because I'm in Canada. Shiiping to Canada is more expensive, plus I get dinged for brokerage fees, which can be more than $30.
Wow this is outragous how much more expensive things are outside the US - especially since I thought they were already bad here! Anyways, I ordered a couple bottles of Bryan's creatine so we'll see how it goes =). I'm at 19% BF currently so I have quite a bit of cutting to do before I can even think about using it. When the time comes I guess I'll have to search the FAQs or start a thread on usage as I understand there are various cycles and methods to use it.
Actually, check the FAQ- I think there's a thread there about using creatine when cutting. From my limited experience, I can tell you that it's working for me very nicely so far- I've been using it for this cycle while cutting and I'm responding well.